The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Yes, 18 A-G courses satisfied requirements. That's 36 semesters in total. </p>

<p>Took an extra year of science and math. </p>

<p>1 year of art
3 years science
4 years math
4 years language
2 years foriegn language
2 years history
2 years college prep.</p>

<p>I know this is slightly lower than most applicants, but is it enough to endanger me if everything else on my application is a match for UCI? My UC GPA is based on 8 classes. Also, every year I took 4 A-G courses, except for senior year, which I'm now taking 6.</p>

<p>i have several questions regarding admissions (probably doesn't apply as much to B/LA, since they're more holistic)</p>

<p>1) If your scores/GPA are pretty above the averages for the school, will the school reject u if you're overqualified by a lot? or b/c they're publics, they'll accept u, even though they feel like it's not likely you'll attend</p>

<p>2) Do the schools care enough if a student is more science-geared (like APs in math/science, but the regular classes for english/social studies)? or do they not have enough time to really see if an applicant is well-rounded or not?</p>

<p>3) Adding to above, if someone was always on the regular path in english/SS, but then decided to take like AP english or AP econ/psych in senior yr, would that have a big effect on well-roundedness/admissions?</p>

<p>Let me begin by saying a big Thank you to all of the wonderful people here on CC. I am the father of a young lady trying to get into the UC system. My daugther has applied to USSB, UCI, UCSD, UCLA & UCB. SAT's are 620R, 600M and 680W, her act comp was 28, her GPA UW is a 3.7ish, weighted about a 4.1, she has 6 AP courses and many honors courses under her belt. Her EC's are excellent...Student Gov't President, President of local HIV awareness group, over 500 of Comm service, works 2 jobs,( one with a local HIV awareness group, where she speaks at local schools about the program, she spend time in Africa (Ghana) working with afs at an orpanage, numerous other activities and local awards. Dream for her is UCB, but that is a reach. She was rejected yesterday from UCSD and was very upset. My questions is do the UC school really look at someone with strong EC's & essays OOS, or she that hopeless? She been accepted to UMaryland & UWashington (both OOS) so right now UW is probably where she will end up. Do you thing she has a chance at any of the UC's she yet to here from. Thank you inadvance for any imput you guys can give. Any hope with this Holistic approach?</p>

<p>kpclem, UC tend to do their own weighting. In California they look at each high school and decide whether to give extra weighting to individual honors and AP courses. For out of state I'm not sure how they weight AP and honors courses, but they do max out weightings at something like 8 total classes. So her weighted GPA may be a bit closer to her unweighted GPA for the UC system. </p>

<p>The UC system tend to be a bit more stats driven that private colleges, especially those other than UCLA and UCB. (Not that those two are easier to get into, you need the stats and the ECs and essays...) That said, her stats look to be closer in line to UCSB and UCI than UCSD, so she might still be okay.</p>

<p>The weighting is given by semester. You may have up to 8 semesters of weighted grades.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for all the great info. My daugther got accepted to UCSB today.</p>

<p>Here are the barebones
Class of 2009
Asian Male
GPA UW: 3.5ish
GPA W: 4.3 ish
GPA UC: 3.95</p>

<p>SAT Regular: 2230, 1520 (m+v)
SAT Superscore: 2280, 1570</p>

<p>SAT2: 750 Bio, 760 lit 800 IIC math</p>

<p>EC: I have other stuff, but these are my main ones</p>

<p>VERY actively involved in national circuit LD debate; extremely dedicated to the task and its effects</p>

<p>CEO and founder of a non-profit corporation to help teach kids of any economical background how to debate</p>

<p>Helps poor kids at a local elementary school academically</p>

<p>My grandpa, who raised me when I was little, died my soph year and caused my grades to deteriorate (2 Cs)</p>

<p>Applying to all UCs</p>

<p>^i think u have a good chance for ulca and cal...even though u got 2 C's u have a good explanation...</p>

<p>No quarter -</p>

<p>I think you're in at all the UC's and a match for Cal/UCLA. You have great stats and the UC's will totally dig your life story. Make sure you really put your heart into your essays.</p>

<p>No Quarter:</p>

<p>You're probably a lock for UCSD, UCI, UCSB and everything below. UCLA/Cal are a match. Definitely not a lock, but I'd be very surprised if you didn't get into at least one of them.</p>

<p>My goal colleges are: UCI, UCD, UCSD
I am a California resident in a top 100 competitive high school
Come from a "broken" family</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.5
Weighted: 3.55</p>

<p>SAT 1: 2050
SAT 2 Math lvl 2: 800
SAT 2 Chemistry: 690</p>

<p>National Merit Scholarship Recommended to UCI and UCSD</p>

<p>AP Stat exam-4</p>

-Cosmos Alumni Engineering summer program at UC Davis
-NSLC Engineering summer program at UC Berkeley
-Habitat for Humanity 100 hours
-Violin level 9 Certificate of Merit, trying for Advanced level next summer after college apps</p>

<p>Recommendations aren't required for UC's since im california resident, but I'm confident I can get very good rec from math teacher and from cosmos professor.</p>

<p>UCI-electrical engineering major
UCSD-electrical engineering major
UCD-electrical engineering major</p>

<p>Senior ap courses taking: ab calc ap, ap econ, and ap physics "B"</p>

<p>based on numbers & major choices I'd say slight reach for UCSD/UCD/UCI, though your E.Cs. might help</p>

3 ap
live in newark,nj
rank- 30%
softball for 3 years
community serivces 130
much more leadership.
applying for general studies
next year for ED</p>

<p>i just found out i got into another ap yaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
but have 0 awards that will kill me</p>

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I'm an Australian citizen living in Australia, ie international student</p>

<p>SAT I : CR:770 M:750 W: 780 - 2300/2400
SAT II: Maths IIC: 780 Biology: 770
School: Selective public school (that is, you have to take an entrance exam)
GPA: No equivalent in Australia, but state percentile rank estimate: 98-99
Maximum course workload possible</p>

<p>Awards and Extracurricular:
-Australian Biology Olympiad Team national finalist
-Da Vinci Decathlon Team
-School 1sts Rugby Team
-Student Representative Council President
-National Mathematics Competition High Distinction
-National Science Competition High Distinction
-Australian Economics Competition National Award Winner
-Robocup Robotics Competition: Team member, state finalists</p>


<p>Community Service:
-Bowden Brae Retirement Village 100 hours
-Schools-for-Schools Program: proposed by myself and set up with fellow student council members, this program goes to local primary schools, helping the transition from primary to high school by giving advice and creating friendships early on in the transition process.</p>

<p>Applying to UCLA and UCB</p>

<p>Thank you for chancing me and hope you guys do well in your own college ambitions.</p>

<p>I'm trying to get into UCI (or any other UC with a nursing program), here are my stats:</p>

<p>Going for a nursing major..
First gen
In state
Asian male
UC GPA: 3.4-3.5, (screwed up 10th grade because of a previous small health issue, i'll try to explain that)
SAT: somewhere around 1800 to 1900
ECs: 150 hours community service, piano</p>

<p>Not much... but would i be ok for their nursing program? Do i have a better shot in getting into UCI because of my major?</p>


<p>^i think u should make it...but then again i dont really know with UCI...i thought i would get in cuz i had some good stats but i didn't get in...but i got into ucla</p>

Cali resident - Half white/ half asian</p>

UW- 3.5

<p>Class rank- top 10% (my high school is not particularly rigorous)</p>

<p>ethnicity=mixed male (white and asian)</p>

<p>ACT-31 ( want to bump it up two points)</p>

<p>SAT II's
Lit- maybe 720? estimate</p>

<p>2 APs this year, 1 Honors, advanced math, advanced language</p>

<p>Next year: 3 or 4 APs, advanced language</p>

2 years book club (1 year secretary)
Varsity Fencing (1 year)
Volunteer work in Malaysia ( worked at several special need homes, have awesome photos and had a newspaper article written about me -albeit in Chinese)
Co founder and Vice president of Music Appreciation club (please don't laugh)
Church volunteer work (want to log about 100 hours)
Biotech internship this summer</p>

<p>Any suggestions? Thanks so much, and I would gladly chance any thread that you had in return</p>

<p>^ I'd say you have a good chance at getting into Davis/SB/Irvine, with UCSC as a backup. UCSD would be a reach, but it's still realistic. Cal/LA if you're lucky.</p>

<p>Thanks bro, do you go to mount tam?</p>

<p>Hello, this is my first post here but I've been a frequent reader before. Anyways, here are my stats:</p>

<p>California resident.</p>

<p>Race: 1/2 Filipino, 1/2 White (Norweigian?)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.477 Unweighted, 3.785 Weighted</p>

<p>Rank: 88/400 Unweighted, 64/400 Weighted</p>

<p>Act: Not taken.
Sat I:
CR: 770
M: 730
W: 730
Total: 2230</p>

<p>Sat II: I've taken US and Mat II but haven't got the scores yet.
AP: I've taken US History and Calc. AB but haven't got scores yet.</p>

<p>Senior year, I am signed up for AP Lit and Comp, Physics B, Calc BC, Mac. Econ., Psychology, Comp. Gov.</p>

<p>I have played trumpet since 6th grade, being the section leader for all years except Junior year, where I was 2nd chair. I've also played trumpet for my church's Worship Team since 2005, where I'm the only trumpet player (it's more of a small ensemble sized thing). </p>

<p>Weird circumstances: My mom is 45 and dad is 87, and he is a retired lawyer and saved a whole bunch of money throughout his life, so we might not have to worry about financial aid as much as others. I have a twin brother as well and he has straight A's in all the same classes as I, so maybe that could rub off on me a little? </p>

<p>I want to be a civil engineer/structural engineer (and, don't laugh, my ultimate goal is to design roller coasters, but I'd still be happy if I don't realize that goal), and I plan on applying to UCD, UCLA, UCSD, Cal Poly, CSU Sacramento etc. but I'm open for other suggestions.</p>