The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Asian Male</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.96</p>

<h1>Ap/honors completed by junior year: 12</h1>

<h1>Ap/honors completed by senior year: 16</h1>

<p>SAT I: 2000
Math: 710
Read: 680
Writ: 610</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math: 800
Chem: 780</p>

<p>4 years Badminton 2jv/2varsity
3 years Waterpolo 2jv/1varsity</p>

<p>Possible colleges:
UC San Diego
UC Berkeley</p>

I think you are in everywhere except for UCLA which I see as a low reach. Your GPA is definitely low, but you have an outstanding SAT.</p>

<p>godbreath: I would say match at UCSD, low reach at UCLA and UCB
Apply to some privates, your full weighted GPA must be oustanding with all of those honors/aps</p>

<p>just wondering, is it vital for the middle UCs if u don't have like an internship-type solid EC, like over the summer? wut if u had a lot of CS hours, and u concentrated them in a particular field?</p>

<p>omegared: I just graduated from Tam High a few days ago, do you live in the area or something?</p>

<p>^yeah, i live in San Francisco, I know a few people that go to tam though, where are you going to school next year?</p>

<p>can sum1 answer my question above?</p>

<p>i didn't have that kind of solid EC and still got into UCI, UCSD, and UCB.
if you just have enough CS, i think it will be fine.</p>


<p>UCSD-Match, safety if you have more EC
lower than average GPA but since you took a lot of AP/honor classes it may be okay. w/ good essays and solid EC you might get in.</p>

<p>In state.
SAT I : 1900
SAT II : taking in oct
ACT : 29
Overall UC GPA: 3.54</p>

<p>Sophomore year GPA: 2.4 / 3.0 (lots of Cs 1st sem)
Junior year GPA: 4.0 / 4.0</p>

<p>Senior year classes:
AP German 5
AP Stat
Honors Pre Calc

<p>24 "a-g" classes overall
Psat - Commended; some community service...
Took summer CC classes </p>

<p>Chances of getting into ANY UC?</p>

<p>Chances for UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis, and UC Irvine?</p>

<p>Instate (I'm primarily interested in LSA)
SAT (one sitting): 2050 (will retake)
SAT IIs: Spanish (720), Biology (680 --> will retake)
ACT: 31 (will retake)
Unweighted GPA: 3.75
UC GPA: 4.23
APs: AP Comp Sci AB, AP Bio
Community college courses: Calculus 1A, Intro to Business, Intro to Physics, Jazz Dance (summer after junior year)</p>

<p>*Senior Year Schedule
- Physics: Mechanics --> Physics: Electricity, Magnetism --> Physics: Fluid, Optics, Waves, Thermodynamics
- Calculus 1B --> Calculus 1C --> Calculus 1D
- English Writing 1A --> English Writing 1B --> English Writing 2
- Political Science 1 --> Macroeconomics --> Microeconomics
- General Psychology --> Abnormal Psychology --> Introduction to Psychobiology
- Spanish 5 --> Spanish 6 --> Spanish: Advanced </p>

<p>ECs: Indian Vocal Music, Taekwondo, Science Club, Speech and Debate, MATHCOUNTS Assistant Coach, Teacher Assistant for 4th grade Balavihar students, American Cancer Society Youth Council Chair</p>

<p>Awards: National Merit Commended (maybe? I got 209), First Place in the Annual Exam for Indian Vocal Music, Top Senator in two Congress Tournaments, Second Place for JETS Team (JV Division), Top Scorer in Taekwondo Tournament</p>

<p>School Type: Public (very competitive - 30-50 to UCLA, Berk, UCSD)
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: F</p>

<p>*Next year, I will be joining a program in which I will take all of my senior year classes at a community college instead of at my high school. The college goes by the quarter (Fall - Winter- Spring) system and I will be taking only UC transferable courses.</p>

<p>lee77: UCR and UCM are both matches, with UCSC as a high match/slight reach but still definitely possible (I have a friend with a 3.2-3.3 and the same SAT score as you who got in). All others are reaches though, but they'll like the fact that your GPA improved.</p>

<p>stentorian: You're in good shape, I will be surprised if you get rejected from any of the UCs.</p>

<p>omegared179: I'm going to UCSD! :D</p>

<p>Ahh.. for me it would be either Davis or CC, so i guess CC it is.</p>

<p>Davis >>>> CC</p>

<p>^ Yeah, but I think he meant to say that he believes he won't get into Davis so he'll end up at a CC.</p>

<p>By all means go for it, when I say it's a reach I'm not saying it's impossible. One of my best friends got into Davis with a 3.6, although he did have a good selling point. It's still within your grasp.</p>

<p>white male
gpa:4.2 w, 3.9s uw
hardest classes possible, 6 aps
sat:1390/2030 (prob could have done better, but no excuses)
act:shooting for a 32-33
national merit something
lots of leadership and ecs (i.e. editor in chief of school paper, community youth board)</p>

<p>i'm lookin at aero eng at Purdue, UIUC, GaTech, and UMich.
are these reaches, matches, safeties? Purdue is likely choice cuz of proximity and prob scholarship money: is that aiming too low?</p>

<p>i feel so out of place here. so many smart people...xD

3.39 (yeah i know) UC gpa 10-11 weighted</p>

<p>CR 660
M 750
W 640
total: 2050</p>

<p>Korean lang. w/ listening 760
Math II 710 </p>

<p>total a-g courses taken (semesters as of junior year) 32 </p>

<p>taken 5 AP classes 3 Honors. </p>

<p>senior year taking
AP eng.
AP stats
AP bio
AP span.

<p>148 hrs of comm service
2 years varisty track 1 year jv track
2 years varsity cross country
top of AP studio Art class
won multiple art contests
artwork in magazine
artist for website. commissions </p>

<p>sigh.. i suck. well, im a good writer, so assuming i write an epic admission essay, what are my chances of getting into any of the UCs other than riverside and merced. hahaha for any average person out there, i suggest you DO NOT do two sports and juggle four AP classes or you end up with fail gpa like me =D.</p>

<p>Chance me:
UC Berkeley - Mechanical Engineer
UCLA - Electrical Engineer
UC San Diego - Electrical Engineer
UC Davis - Electrical Engineer
UC Santa Barbara - Electrical Engineer</p>

<p>GPA: 3.96 UW, 4.38 W
ACT: 31 Composite
SAT: 730 Math, 610 Reading, 640 Writing (Will retake in fall)
SAT II's: 770 Math IIC, 750 Chemistry
Track and Field - 4 years
Math Club, Filipino Club, Curious Catholics Club - 4 years
Volunteer Ocean Park Community Center (for the Homeless) - 50+ hrs
Tutoring 7th/8th graders - 20+ hours
CSF Tutor - 2 years
Saint Mark Church Lector - 4+ years</p>

<p>Over Summer at local Junior College I am currently taking Statistics and Intro to Business</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
English 4
Moral Theology
AP Economics
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C
AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>Other AP Tests:
AP Env. Science - (5)
AP US History - (4)</p>

income approx. 100,000
California resident</p>

<p>Chance me psychology major for UCSD mainly but also UCSB/UCLA/UCB (last two are probably reaches)
And would UCSC be a safety school for me?</p>

<p>In State
Competitive Public HS
Dad got Ph.D from UCSD
Regular donations to UCSD for 5 or so years (Not sure if that matters but I just found out)</p>

<p>UC GPA - 4.07</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 690
SAT I Critical Reading: 670
SAT I Writing: 670</p>

<p>Total: 2030</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 700
SAT II World History: 670</p>

<p>AP classes:
AP Human Geography
AP Government
AP Macro/Micro Economics
AP Biology
AP Calc BC
AP Psychology
AP World History
AP US History
*Honors Pre Calc</p>

Interact Club (Secretary and Interactor of the Year) - 3 years
Journalist for police department - 2 years
Piano - 4 years
Employed at music studio - 1 year
Part time employee (15+ hours a week) - 2 years
100+ hours community service</p>

<p>Excellent letters of recommendations</p>

<p>Thanks so much if anyone responds! I really appreciate it!</p>

<p>donut - I'd actually say you have about a 60-70% chance of getting into UCSC, but the rest are reaches (still possible though depending on certain other factors, what major will you be applying to?).
jay23 - Berkeley is a match since its engineering school is extremely impacted, but the rest are safeties.
linda_x - UCSD would definitely be a match. UCB/UCLA would both be slight reaches, and UCSB and UCSC would be safeties.</p>

<p>is there any chance at ucd?</p>