The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>It'll be tough but it's still possible. The fact that you have good ECs and lots of APs will definitely help. What major are you going to apply to?</p>

<p>well i dont think i really can get in with my planned major, so i think ill have to adjust accordingly haha. i PLANNED like three years ago when my gpa wasnt so crappy to major in the field of bio. but now that im put in this situation, umm yeah... ill have to change.</p>

well since I'm going to start my senior year after summer, college is basically everything in my mind. As I look at my transcript my future really seems to fly to the dumps -.-...
Since I'm new to this forum, please tell me if I'm doing something wrong, so I can correct it.
Ok getting to the meat..
weighed GPA: 3.5~
SATI : Verbal: 590 Math: 750 Writing: 680 = 2020
SAT II: Biology M: 720
I will take Math II and Literature next year
So far I have taken 1 AP class: Biology, and next year I will be taking 3, Physics, Calculus, and English
Ex activities:
-Varsity Swimming
-Life Guard
-Intern at a medical research lab
-President of French Club
Major interested: General Biology/biochem</p>

<p>Schools interested:
Oh and can someone tell me which school is better in biology field, UCSC or UCSB?</p>

<p>benzey: sb, i think is better, but if you really want a good bio school then SD has the best bio program, i believe.</p>

<p>Thanks donut, but with my GPA and no chance of pulling it up now....*faints...
haha my parents already told me that I will end up on the streets</p>

<p>do you have asian parents?. hahaha i do and thats exactly what they told me too. dont listen XD umm i know the stress youre under. i have a crap gpa that i cant get up. (lower than yours) haha oh well. whatever dont worry about it. getting a low gpa doesn't determine whether you get into a college or not. okay, it does play a large role, but not entirely. haha</p>

<p>Authentic Chinese parents...
they even got a dog to protect me from mean homeless people.
oh right our stats are similar.I'm really just working my butt off to raise SAT score
Good luck to you donut</p>

Geometry Accelerated: B/C
English I: A/A
Spanish I: A/B
Biology: A/A</p>

Algebra 2/Trigonometry: B/B
English II Accelerated: A/A
World History: A/A
Spanish II: B/B
Honors Chemistry: C/B</p>

Honors Pre-Calculus: B/B
English III: A/A
US History: A/A
Spanish III: B/B
AP Chemistry: B/B</p>

AP Calculus BC
English IV
AP Biology
Digital Art</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.65
SAT I: 1750, Going to retake in Oct.
SAT II: Chemistry - 720
Math II - Will take later</p>

<p>Chemistry tutor, and other random ECs and volunteering</p>


<p>I really want to go to UCSC =)</p>

<p>ACT- Composite 27; Math-29 Reading-28 Science-27 English-22 Writing-8
SAT II's- 580 chem, 570 math.
SAT I- 1710, retaking in Oct. 620 math, 550 CR, 540 W (Hoping for 1900)</p>

<p>-Okay amount of EC's, some volunteer work as a Kiwanis Club Member, Member of California Scholarship Federation, work 25 hours+ per week as summer lifeguard. Teach swim lessons to people ranging from 3-adult Did rowing (crew) my sophomore year of high school. Planning volunteer work for over the summer. I believe I have more EC's, i just can't think of them off the top of my head.</p>

<p>-Accumulative soph/junior weighted GPA- 4.16
-Very good progression in terms of academic performance through highschool--(9th- 3.3 10th-3.83 11th-4.4) </p>

<p>Please chance me for....</p>

<p>UC Santa Cruz
UC Davis
UC Irvine</p>

<p>and for kicks...</p>


<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>ok here it goes
female asian
public school a little over 2000?
o and i heard being a twin helps..idk how..but yea i have a twin brother</p>

<p>SAT: 650 reading, 750 math, 700 writing
ACT: 31 composite
SAT2: bio- 760 chem-740 math2c- 800 physics- 740
gpa: 3.9
hardest courses taken: except senior year im taking french honors instead of ap b/c i didnt want to over do it with my other classes
senior classes:
ap literature
ap micro
ap gov
ap bio
ap environmental
ap calc bc
italian honors
research class
chamber choir</p>

<p>ap stat- 5
ap psych- 5
ap euro- 3
ap world- 3
ap us- 4
ap physics b- 5</p>

martial arts for four years, medals in regional, all US and eastern coast
research for four years at various colleges and institutes, medal in tenth grade, in france right now doing research...going to enter senior competitions
volunteer 200~ hours approximately
science olympiad: regional 10 in states 3 years
yearbook- section leader 3 years
music club- four years, devote member 4 years
women's club 1 year
future leaders of america 1 year
created a singing trio to sing at weddings..earn money and giv to charity
chief editor for local newspaper that deals with the environment and health
all county for singing</p>

<p>so how am i for berkeley..or any of the other uc schools. im mostly vying for berkeley b/c im dealing w/ research right now that berkeley is also involved with. its something i really want to pursue.</p>

<p>White, Male</p>

<p>Ca resident</p>

<p>First Generation College student</p>

<p>Rising senior</p>

<p>Taken heavy load of honors and ap courses.</p>

<p>Freshman year
1st semester: 3.85W
2nd semester :4.0W</p>

<p>Sophomore year 1st semester 3.714285W
2nd semester :4.166666W</p>

<p>Junior year: 1st semester: 4.166666W
2nd semester: 4.5W</p>

<p>Overall Weighted GPA:4.06 (10-12 gpa:4.13)
As from 10-11 grade my gpa from semester to semester has been going up.
NOTE: Marching band actually brought down my 1st semester GPA for Fresh. and soph. year.</p>

<p>I’m in the top 10 percent of my class for sure. I'm not exactly sure what percent. Maybe 6 or 7th percent. I’m not sure about my rank exactly because we just received our last semester’s grades.</p>

<p>SAT I 1610 (dec.1)</p>

<p>SAT II: Math II: 670
Chem 570</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:</p>

<p>AP Calc
AP physics
AP English
AP Econ/gov
AP art history</p>

<p>APs taken so far:
US history</p>


<p>-2 years of Marching band: 2nd chair cymbal sophomore year (9,10)</p>

<p>-Drumline (9)</p>

<p>-CSF (10,11,12)</p>

<p>-1 year of student government</p>

<p>-NHS( 11,12)</p>

<p>-Academic decathlon (11,12)
In the county competition: Outstanding interview award
4th in math
4th in lit
4th in interview
5th in speech
Our team placed 2nd overall</p>

<p>-FBLA (10,11,12)
Historian (11)
Placed 5th in county competition for business math. (Top five advance to state competition) (10)
Voting delegate for county comp. (11)</p>

<p>-For the summer I’m also attending a summer science program called Copernicus this summer</p>

<p>By the time I apply for colleges I will have at least 200 hours of community service. I’ve helped mostly at my local senior center.</p>

<p>Pleasssee chance me for all the UCs! thank you all.</p>

<p>gpa 4.02
uw gpa i think is 3.8-ish..?
uc gpa is at least a 4.07 i think, but i am so confused figuring that out right now i dont even know</p>

<p>six AP's by graduation - calc AB, physics C: N/M, english language, calc BC, stat, spanish language
(dont know any scores yet)</p>

1st time cr 610 m 640 w 790 essay 10
2nd time cr 640 m 720 w 780 essay 10</p>

chem 630
math 2 690
spanish 560</p>

<p>national merit commended student</p>

<p>jazz ensemble 9th grade
tutored young neighbor in math 4-5 hours per week for pay 10th grade
spanish national honors society 11th/12th grade
job working 15-25 hours a week 11th/12th grade, but had to quit for summer</p>

<p>apply to UCLA, UCSD, and UCSB
(order of preference)</p>


<p>hey littlebear,</p>

<p>How does having a twin help/where did you hear it from? Does anyone know if its true? just wondering because I have a twin :D</p>

im not sure either, but that's what a lot of people are telling me. Apparently because as a twin, we've always had competition to deal with and everything. I'm really not sure. Anyone know for sure?</p>

<p>I got a 1500 on the SATs (I've never been good at taking tests), but I am retaking it in October. I take IB classes/running start and my uw GPA is 3.73. I have work experience/ a lot of volunteer work, some good ECs... i'm wondering if I should bother applying to UCSD..? It seems way out of my league compared to the stats I see on here and the UCSD common data set. I am out of state too.</p>

<p>I will be a senior in high school and I plan to apply to Berkeley, UCLA, Davis, and San Diego.</p>

<p>I am Hispanic. I have a 4.23 UC GPA and a 3.86 unweighted. My SAT's aren't great (1970), and my ACT is 29. My SAT II's: Math II(790) and US History(660). I plan on retaking the SAT reasoning, the ACT, and the US History exam. I am in the top 10% in my class.</p>

Composite 29
English 29
Math 35
Reading 28
Science 25
and Writing I got a 9 on the essay, 28 as the score</p>

<p>In terms of extracurriculars, I have been playing football for 4 years, with 2 years on varsity. Our varsity team had the highest average GPA in our section and I won the Most Academic Award (for highest GPA) on that team in 2007. I am also a sectional scholar athlete and have earned my academic letter. I also played Freshman Basketball.</p>

<p>I have over 250 hours of community service. I volunteer weekly at my local hospital and have amassed over 150 hours there. This past summer I have been helping register voters and other volunteer work for Barack Obama's campaign. I also do other random volunteer work with the football team and with some clubs at school.</p>

<p>In addition, I was a baseball umpire for a youth league for 2 years. I was also a private tutor for two years, tutoring elementary/middle school kids in math. I was also a videographer for the local youth football league(for 3 years), and taped every film of every squad's game. I also was an assistant coach for one of the squads of that organization for a year.</p>

<p>Also, I was in a summer program for gifted high school students at UC Berkeley for four years. There I took challenging courses that I got credit for.
In school, other than football, I am a member of the MUN club and the Spanish club. I have been in the California Scholarship Foundation for 7 semesters and have won numerous school and MUN awards. I plan on starting a couple of poltical-based clubs next year. </p>

<p>AP Scores(so far)
5 in US History
4 in Biology
4 in European History
I will have taken a total of 8 weighted courses(with 7 AP's) by the time of my senior year.</p>

<p>How am I looking?</p>


<p>Cal/LA- slight reach (get your test scores up)
SD- high match (just because SD doesn't look too keenly on athletics..
Davis - match/high safety?</p>

<p>Race: African American/Black
UC GPA: 4.1
Rank: 1st Decile
PSAT: 228 [80 CR - 68 M - 80 W]
SAT Reasoning: 2210 <a href="75%20MC,%209%20Essay">800 CR - 670 M - 740 W</a> might retake
SAT II: Math Level 2 - 710; US History - 690; Bio M: Pending, should be 750-800
ACT: 32 [36E - 33R - 31S - 28M - 33E/W] 9 Essay
AP: Bio 5, US History 4, Calc AB 4
7 APs by graduation</p>

<p>Band 4 years (Played for 7 years) 2 years in Honors
JV Soccer (10) Starter (Played club soccer for 9)
Science Bowl (11, 12)
Science Olympiad (10, 11, 12)
Play Guitar once a month at local nursing home in a group
Organized Christmas Caroling at local nursing home, will do next
Volunteered at library once a week</p>

<p>By the way, I have ELC status and am in-state.</p>

<p>Major: Something to do with bio, might try for medical school</p>


<p>and the not UCs</p>


<p>Wait, I don't have ELC status, or at least I don't know I will get it. Just disregard that.</p>

<p>White, Male</p>

<p>Ca resident</p>

<p>First Generation College student</p>

<p>Rising senior</p>

<p>Taken heavy load of honors and ap courses.</p>

<p>Freshman year
1st semester: 3.85W
2nd semester :4.0W</p>

<p>Sophomore year 1st semester 3.714285W
2nd semester :4.166666W</p>

<p>Junior year: 1st semester: 4.166666W
2nd semester: 4.5W</p>

<p>Overall Weighted GPA:4.06 (10-12 gpa:4.13)
As from 10-11 grade my gpa from semester to semester has been going up.
NOTE: Marching band actually brought down my 1st semester GPA for Fresh. and soph. year.</p>

<p>I’m in the top 10 percent of my class for sure. I'm not exactly sure what percent. Maybe 6 or 7th percent. I’m not sure about my rank exactly because we just received our last semester’s grades.</p>

<p>SAT I 1610 (dec.1)</p>

<p>SAT II: Math II: 670
Chem 570</p>

<p>Senior year schedule:</p>

<p>AP Calc
AP physics
AP English
AP Econ/gov
AP art history</p>

<p>APs taken so far:
US history</p>


<p>-2 years of Marching band: 2nd chair cymbal sophomore year (9,10)</p>

<p>-Drumline (9)</p>

<p>-CSF (10,11,12)</p>

<p>-1 year of student government</p>

<p>-NHS( 11,12)</p>

<p>-Academic decathlon (11,12)
In the county competition: Outstanding interview award
4th in math
4th in lit
4th in interview
5th in speech
Our team placed 2nd overall</p>

<p>-FBLA (10,11,12)
Historian (11)
Placed 5th in county competition for business math. (Top five advance to state competition) (10)
Voting delegate for county comp. (11)</p>

<p>-For the summer I’m also attending a summer science program called Copernicus this summer</p>

<p>By the time I apply for colleges I will have at least 200 hours of community service. I’ve helped mostly at my local senior center.</p>

<p>Pleasssee chance me for all the UCs! thank you all.</p>