The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>So, I'm taking a gap year off to join the army and do the ECS program after a year of initial entrance training for a linguist post in the military. I really don't want to attend my current state university due to some personal issues. As an oos applicant, will I be under severe disadvantage? Anyways, here is my stats:</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chinese
State: Maryland
Current Grade: Graduated Senior</p>

<p>GPA UW: 3.8 W:4.1 UC GPA: 4.0
Class Rank: Top 5 percent
School Type: Average Public school, send 1-2 kids to ivy per year.</p>

<p>Class Schedule:
A total of ten AP classes in junior and senior year, 2 honor classes in freshman-sophomore year. Depression in the end of my senior year; as a result, grade suffered. (Seniorities?)
Also took four classes in the local community college.</p>

SAT I: The horror.(1600 or something, I wonder how I got that score!)
SAT II Math: 700 World History: 740 U.S History: 690</p>

<p>EC: Environmental Club, Envirothon, NHS, Gamer's Club, and Student Page to the Maryland General Assembly</p>

-a merit award from the state of Maryland.
-AP Scholar with Distinction
-Student of the Month
and some other pointless crap.</p>

<p>Gap Year Activities:
U.S Army Reserve: Crypto Linguist
Rank(projected): E-5 Sergeant or Specialist.</p>

<p>I'm going to do a ROTC at any college of my choice, so tuition won't be a problem.
Oh, btw, my major will be either comparative literature or east asian studies.</p>


<p>Applying for UCSD/UCLA/UC Berkeley engineering:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.96 UW, 4.29 W
ACT: 31 Composite
SAT: 730 Math, 610 Reading, 640 Writing (Will retake in fall)
SAT II's: 770 Math IIC, 750 Chemistry
Track and Field - 4 years
Math Club, Filipino Club, Curious Catholics Club - 4 years
Volunteer Ocean Park Community Center (for the Homeless) - 50+ hrs
Tutoring 7th/8th graders - 20+ hours
CSF Tutor - 2 years
Saint Mark Church Lector - 4+ years</p>

<p>Santa Monica Community College Summer Courses:
Elementary Statistics - A
Intro to Business - A</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
World Literature/Rhetoric & Composition
Moral Theology
AP Micro/Macro Economics
AP Chemistry
AP Physics Mechanics
AP Calculus BC</p>

<p>Other AP Tests:
AP Env. Science - (5)
AP US History - (4)</p>

income approx. 100,000
California resident</p>

<p>Also, since i am applying engineering where science/math is important.. i have taken 5 total semesters in each subject area:
Honors Geometry B/A
Honors Algebra II A/A
Honors Pre-Calculus A/A
Elementary Statistics A/A
AP Calculus BC A/A
Biology A/A
AP Environmental Science A/A
Honors Chemistry A/A
AP Chemistry A/A
AP Physics Mechanic A/A</p>

<p>UCLA is my 1st choice...</p>

UCB/UCLA - match
UCSD - low match
UCD/UCI - safety
HYS - reach
Affirmative action is definitely going to help you though.</p>

UCD/UCSB/UCI - match
UCSC/UCR/UCM - safety
If you get your SAT up above 2000, UCB and UCLA will be slight reaches and UCSD will be a high match. The rest will be safeties (maybe high safeties).</p>

UCB/UCLA - reach
UCSD - slight reach
UCSB/UCI - match
The fact that you're OOS is going to hurt, normally UCSB/UCI would be safeties, UCSD would be a match, and UCB/UCLA would be slight reaches for you. Also, unless you're taking a lot of classes or rounding your GPAs oddly, your UCGPA should be the same as your WGPA seeing how it's not that far above your UWGPA...</p>

UCB - slight reach
UCLA - match
UCSD - low match
The engineering school at UCB is extremely impacted, that's why it's a slight reach.</p>

<p>Hi, I am currently a high school senior. graduation 2009.</p>

<p>CA resident - So. cal
Ethnicity: Caucasian</p>

<p>ACT: <em>COMPOSITE: 30</em> English-31, Math-28, Reading-35, Science-24.retaking this and hope to get 31 composite.</p>

<p>SAT: 2000. CR: 720, Math-640, Writing 640.
the first time I took it I got a 1990 and if I superscore both tests then I got a 2080
SAT II US history- 710 and i have yet to take math level 2.</p>

<p>GPA weighted: 4.3 unweighted: 3.78 ...</p>

<p>Rank: top 10%. </p>

<p>Classes I took in 10th grade: Honors english, ap european history, honors algebra 2, spanish 2, chemistry
Classes I took this year: Ap english language, Ap us history, honors pre-calc., physics, honors spanish 3.
Classes I'm taking next year: Ap literature, Ap economics, Ap government, Ap calculus, honors spanish 4, ap physics</p>

<p>The only classes I got B's in were Ap european history and english except this past semester I got an A- in Ap english language.</p>

coached a basketball team.etc.etc.etc. i have alot of volunteer work
4 year varsity basketball. over 400 community service hours.</p>

<p>awards- basketball awards, awards from teachers, etc.etc.</p>

<p>Essay: its gonna describe some challenges I had to face in the past couple years...not done yet.</p>

<p>I'm specifically interested in UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UCSD. thanks.</p>

UCB/UCLA - high match
UCSD - match
The reason I say this is because your UCGPA is probably going to be a 4.1 judging by your unweighted GPA. The fact that you took all those AP classes can only help though. Just make sure your essay is good.</p>

<p>oops I wish I saw this thread before staring my own.
California resident,
3.71 UC GPA
3.9 college weighted, strong upward trend (got a 4.57 in grades 2nd sem. junior year)
29 ACT
SAT Subjects: Bio M.-750, USH-750, Physics-750
AP scores: 5's in Bio, World history, and European History; 4's in US Hist., English Language, Art History, and Physics B</p>

<p>Schedule next year: AP[Chem,Lit,Gov,Econ,Physics B retake because I got a D first semester], and Honors math analysis and academic league, normal newspaper and normal academic decathlon</p>

<p>EC's: did 250 hours of comm. service for a candidate of California's Governor Race (for Phil Angiledes)
50 hours for a candidate running for state assembly
4th year of Academic Decathlon
4th year of Academic League(3 Varsity, 1 JV) captain of Varsity
3 years of humanities club (V.P. this year)</p>

<p>California resident</p>

<p>UC GPA around 3.5
SAT (2100 CR 800, MA 600, WR 700
SAT II (US Hist 740, Lit 700)
AP US Hist 5 (Planning on taking AP Gov, Economics, and Spanish)</p>

<p>E.C.s Played guitar 6 years, school blues band, played guitar in school play, have been working at fast food over 1 year.</p>

<p>Next year I'm taking Spanish 4/AP, Russian 2, Russian 3, Honors English 12, Human Anatomy, AP US Gov/Economics, and Academic Decathlon. As well as doing a senior project that involves learning New Testament Greek.</p>

<p>Please chance me for all UCs, thanks a lot.</p>

<p>California resident</p>

<p>Major: Comp Eng (for now)</p>

<p>UC gpa: 3.5 (w)</p>

Pre Calc - C C
Honors chem - B A
Orch - A A
H.S. Eng 3-4 - A A
AP European History - B A
Honors Spanish 3-4 - B B</p>

AP Calc AB - C C
AP Bio - B C
Orch - A A
Am. Lit (not ap) - A A
AP U.S. History (only 1 sem...i dropped out =/) - C
World History (second sem...) A
AP Environmental Science - C B</p>

<p>SAT I(going to retake):
540 cr
650 m
560 w</p>

<p>ACT: Going to take in September but i get an average score of 27-28</p>

<p>SAT II:
Korean: 730
Math 2C - 760
Bio - 660</p>

<p>EC: CC - 3 years (jv)
Tae Kwon Do - 7 years (2nd degree black belt)
One of the 3 winners of Apple Video competition - vid was shown in "NECC, the largest K-12 technology conference in the country"
Violin 7 years
Viola 1 year
In school's "chamber orchestra" (highest level)</p>

Hospital volunteering - 70 something hours
Presidential volunteering award - silver
Helping senior - 7 years (or 800s hours)
President of Savy - 2 years (was in it for 3 years)</p>

<p><em>I've joined other clubs but Savy was the only one i had leadership role in.</em></p>

<p>Please chance me on all UCs
My chances if i put "comp eng" and "undeclared" </p>

<p>Thank you very much :D</p>

<p>m a junior 16.
top 10% of graduating class
Recieved letter that holds my spot in lower uc schools
Honor Roll student
Possible ELC candidate if i was how would it boost my chances</p>

<p>Cumilitive Gpa
3.4 uw 3.7wgpa</p>

<p>Ap classes:</p>

<p>Ap world History
Ap art history
Honors pre-cal - weighted </p>

<p>IB classes</p>

IB Pyschology
IB ENglish
IB History </p>

<p>Foreign language - French 3 years Spanish 1 year</p>

<p>sat Reasoning: 1730</p>

<p>Critical reading: 630
Math: 590
Writing: 510</p>

<p>work exp.
100 hours of community service
I help out in random charity events, so I have good experience in leadership
should I intern? Would getting a job over the summer increase my chances?? I heard that it does.........</p>

3 years Varsity CSF Champion on badminton team
3 years Paintball Team Co-Captain played in tournaments</p>

Rising star award - rookie year
Most improved doubles- 2nd year
National Honor Roll award</p>

Martial arts Club
CSF - Vice President and secretary
IB Club
Key Club- Active member
national honor society</p>

<p>what are my chances at
uc riverside
uc irvine
uc davis
UC berkeley
uc santa barbra

<p>Can you guys give me percentage of acceptance.</p>

<p>ok here goes nothin</p>

<p>UC gpa: 3.71 (large improvment between 10th and 11th grade)
School does not rank us
SAT: 2100 (660 math, 700 writing, 740 critical reading)
SAT IIs: 790 US history, 690 chem</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
Calculus A/B
AP American Government
Film Appreciation II
Honors Physiology
English IV</p>

<p>Total AP/Honors:
AP chem
AP US history
AP American government
Calculus A/B
Honors Physiology</p>

3 years football (2 years JV, 1 varsity)
2 years track (1 year JV, 1 Varsity)</p>

80-90 hours from a volunteer trip to Ghana
(will add about 20 more hours before app is submitted)
I did modeling in Japan for about 2.5 years
(i will also be getting a regular job probably by next week)</p>

<p>extra things-
I went to middle school in Hong Kong and did 2 years of highschool in Tokyo Japan (i moved to California summer before junior year)</p>

<p>i'd like to know for

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.83 UW. 4.14 W
SAT I: 2100 (690 CR, 740 Math, 670 Writing)
SAT II's: 770 Biology. 790 Math 2C. 680 World History
AP's: Biology 5. Statistics 5.</p>

<p>Sr Schedule:
AP English Literature
AP Calculus AB
AP Psychology
Digital Photography</p>

Frosh: Non school team basketball. Clarinet Lessons.
Soph: Clarinet Lessons.
Jr: Part of a missionary program that taught kids English in Asia.</p>

<p>Community Hrs: Summer Camp Counselor (3 yrs). Taught elementary kids how to play at an after school band program (1 yr). </p>

<p>I plan on retaking the SAT I and hope to score 2300+. I plan on taking the AP's in the above mentioned courses^. I also plan on taking SAT II Chinese and hopefully get an 800. </p>

<p>Overall, I feel that I am most lacking EC's since I never really committed for a long time + some of them weren't year long.</p>

<p>Please chance me for all UC's.</p>


<p>Thanks in advace=]. Any additional analysis + advice is appreciated!</p>

<p>Overall, I feel that I am most lacking in the EC department.</p>


<p>UC GPA: 4.23
Competitive school
Rank: Top 10%</p>

<p>SAT: 2060
Math: 710
CR: 680
Writing: 670</p>

<p>ACT: 31
Math: 35
English: 31
Reading: 28
Science: 28</p>

Bio: 720
US History: 700</p>

-Many honors courses (English and math for freshman, sophmore, and junior year) and AP Bio, AP US History, AP Calc BC, AP Physics, AP Government, AP Econ.</p>

Tae-kwon-do for 6 years
Science Olympiad for 3 years (senior officer, medaled several times)
Science Bowl for 3 years (first team)
Group for girls interested in science for 4 years</p>

<p>Community service:
Over 300 hours of community service with volunteer group (tutoring, city events, walk-a-thons, etc.)
Planned a Crisis Benefit Concert (raised over $1000)</p>

Internship at a national laboratory</p>

<p>Please chance me for bioengineering at UCSD.
Also UCB, UCLA, and UCD for BioE, but UCSD is what I'd really like to know.

<p>Jaesango: assuming you did NOT get the scores you intend to get just yet...
UCB/UCLA/UCSD: high reach
UCSC: high safety
UCR/UCM: safety</p>

<p>TPhilip: Well UC's DO look at the stats First considering they get piles of apps... so this is based off your stats compared to the averaged accepted by the schools and I'm assuming you meant give you % of YOUR chance since you can find school acceptance rates online.</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA/USC/UCSD-high reaches ranging from 10-20% chance(get scores and GPA way up)</p>

<p>UCI/UCD/UCSB- Reaches ranging from 20-40% chance
UCSC/SDSU-low match 75% chance
UCR/UCM: safety 90% chance</p>

<p>Idiom: VERY impressive CR score... thats going to help you for the UC's since its one of the lower scores on average accepted.
UCLA: Reach(GPA hurt you but SAT score leveled you out a bit)
UCSD: high match/reach (same as above)
UCD/UCI/UCSB: Match/high safety (your SAT score gives you a huge advantage for these ones)

<p>MiniatureDrone:I think I chanced you already if i'm not mistaken... check your other thread.</p>

<p>Lemon<em>Lime</em>Rush:.... Nice name.. nicer UC GPA
UCB/UCLA: high matches/match.
UCSD w/bioengineering: High match(for the reason of your major and your SAT score along with it as the only thing holding you back. When the major comes into play, the admissions are very unexpected but for this it PROBABLY leans in your favor)</p>

<p>UCD: safety/high safety (id be surprised if they rejected you)</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.93
Top 10% of class of 430.</p>

<p>Extracurricular: CSF, Spanish, Key Club, Chess</p>

<p>Notable Extracurricular:
50+ Hours Community Service
4 Years of Piano
Part-time Job as a Cashier/Stockboy during summers</p>

<p>AP Classes thus far:
World history
Physics C
Us History
Calculus AB
English Language Composition</p>

<p>SAT I:
Writing: 570
CR: 560
Math: 630
Total: 1770</p>

<p>No SAT II yet.</p>

<p>First Generation to go to College, On Financial Aid.</p>

<p>Want to major in Civil Engineering.</p>

But I REALLY want to go to UCI so that is what I am primarily focused on.</p>


<p>Are you planning on taking those SAT 2s? they will help im sure.</p>

<p>UCSD:reach (all of your stats are below the average accepted this year)
UCD/UCSB/UCI- matches (raise the SAT score higher if you can).</p>

<p>OoPurestOo- thanks so much for chancing me.</p>

<p>I was a bit confused by your comment though. So you think UCSD is a high match for me, but not exactly for my major? And my SAT score hurting or helping my chances?</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>Oh nono its more competitive getting in with your major at UCSD so that just makes it a higher match. You should get in though with your GPA. If you WERE to get rejected then I would blame it on the SAT score.</p>

<p>Got it, thanks!</p>

<p>School Type: very competitive private school in Cali
UC GPA: 4.00
SAT I: 680 CR, 780 M, 790 W (12) -- 2250
SAT II: 800 M2, 800 KRN w/ L, 730 PHYS
ACT: 34 (35 R, 35 E, 35 M, 32 S)
APs: AP Calc BC (5), AP Lang&Comp (5), AP PhysB (5), AP Spanish Lang (3)
National Merit Semifinalist, Spanish Honors Society</p>

<p>Senior Year Academic Course Load:
AP Economics
AP Government
Advance Seminar in Math Honors
AP Biology
AP English Lit
AP Art History</p>

<p>Important ECs:
4 years Volleyball (Captain and Coach's Choice [11])
1 year JV Basketball (Captain and Coach's Choice [9]) and 3 years Basketball in another league (Captain [11-12])
3 years Orchestra (First violin [10-12])
2 years student business (Office Manager [11], Executive Member [12])
4 years Compassion (community service: letter translator from Korean to English for Korean supporters of kids in underprivileged circumstances; support child of my own)
3 years helping homeless children community service (marketing, sell tickets, help set up benefit concerts, etc)</p>

Valedictorian at summer program for Korean-American students in Korea
Notable Alumni at National Young Leaders Conference
Internship at business (made deals, worked on legal contract template, suggested new advertising agencies and marketing techniques that went into effect)
8 weeks at Stanford U (A, A, A-: 9 credits total)</p>

<p>UC Schools to Apply:

<p>axemyneck: Well even tho your UC GPA is slightly lower than the averages accepted to UCSD, UCLA, UCB (4.07, 4.15, and 4.18), your SAT/ACT scores exceed the averages at those schools too.
I'd say:
UCLA/UCB: match
UCSD: low match</p>

<p>The rest of the UC's would definitely be safeties.</p>