The Official UC Chance Thread

UCB-Mid Reach
UCLA-Mid Reach
UCSD-Slight Reach/High Match

<p>My Final UC Chance Post!</p>

<p>Basics: Asian-American, Male, lives in Southern California</p>

<p>GPA (9-12)
School doesn't rank, but probably around top 40%; it is sorta competitive.</p>

2290 (770 M/750R/770W)
Math IIC - 760
US History - 760
English Literature -720
Physics - 700
Chemistry - 630
Biology E - ??
AP European History - 5
AP United States - 4
AP Language - 5
AP Chemistry - 2 (self-study) (._.)
I'm an AP Scholar right now, but probably going for "with distinctinon" for sure this year.</p>

<p>I have taken and currently taking mostly honors and AP courses, pretty much on the higher part of the curriculum that my school offers (Public Magnet).</p>

<p>Academic Awards:
National Merit Semi-finalist, and a few local writing/essay awards. Nothing too special. </p>

Again, nothing too hot,
a few clubs for 2 years
tennis for 8 years
piano for 9 years (level 10 in CM)
XC for one year
Volunteering at a local recycling center (every Saturday, about 5 hours/week, 100 hours)
Volunteering in the Explorer Program (50 hours so far)</p>

Tutoring elementary school children and middle school children (3-5 hours/week, 3/2007- present)</p>

<p>Chances for UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCI and UCD. Thanks!</p>

UCB/UCLA-Slight Reach (Odd combination of SAT and GPA...I guess course rigor and high test scores likely forgive the GPA)
UCI/UCD-Safe Match</p>

<p>UC GPA - 3.7
SAT - 1960 (700M 690CR 570W 10Essay)
SAT II - 650MathIIC 690US History
300+ Volunteer Hours, hospital, doctor's office, dental office, library
JV Tennis
Field Hockey (tried out for the US National junior team)
JV Roller Hockey</p>

<p>Could you chance me for Cal, UCLA, UCSD, UCI when you get the chance too? I'm post #39. Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>MiqueMaus, I think I chanced you in the general chancing thing a long time ago. I think that you have a very good shot at Cal and UCLA if you can spin your PS well, and that, overall, your chances are boosted significantly by your high SATs.</p>

<p>HockeyDemon: Which UCs?
UCSD-Slight Reach
UCR/UCSC/UCM-Safe Match</p>

<p>thanks for the chances, Peppers
(is mid-reach better than reach?)

<p>I would put your chances at below 50%, and around 25% for Cal and UCLA</p>

<p>What percentage is usually "reach?" Is Mid-reach better than reach?</p>

<p>Don't think about these in terms of percentages. Just think that "match" is a very reasonable chance of getting in, "slight reach" is a stretch but nevertheless reasonable chance of getting in, "low reach/mid reach" are realistic but still stretches of getting in, and "high reach/reach" is an unrealistic chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Chance me plz on all UC campuses~~
2.7 UC gpa
SAT: CR 630 Writing 650 Math 660

<p>SAT II: Korean 770 Bio 630</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
AP Calc
Senior Literature
Physiology Honors

UCR/UCSC (If you're actually eligible with that GPA)-Slight Reach/High Match
UCM (If you're actually eligible with that GPA)-Match</p>

<p>I applied to
Los Angeles-Bio
San Diego-Bio</p>

<p>GPA is 3.2, ethnicity is Mexican.
ACT: 21
SAT 1: Critical Reading: 550
Mathematics: 460
Writing: 460
Total: 1470</p>

<p>Took AP Bio, AP World, APUSH, AP English Language, AP English Lit, advance math.</p>

<p>Awards and Honors:
Athlete of the Month
AVID Representative
Global Connect Ambassador
Honor Roll
Student of the Semester</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Associated Student Body
Future Doctors of America

<p>Community Service:
Center Street Community Center-
Tutoring kids and translating at community meetings. Helped educate parents and neighbors about community problems and ways of making the community better.</p>

<p>Shalimar Think Together
Someone Cares Soup Kitchen
Tutor Corp.</p>

<p>Educational Preparation Programs:
Global Connect
High School Mentor Program</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Construction Worker; all 4 yrs </p>

<p>Essays are really well written.</p>

UCLA: Big Reach
UCSD: Reach
UCI/UCD: Reach
UCR: Match</p>

<p>Thanks. My top choice is UCI, what is one of the biggest factors besides scores that they look at? And was there anything specific that you liked that would help my chances?</p>

<p>Schools-UCSD, UCI, UCSB as a poli sci major</p>

<p>In-State, ELC</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.19
SAT 2070
SAT II 740 eng 750 us hist
AP englang 5 - us hist 5 - art 4 - bio 4 - world 4
6 AP's this year
46 A-G classes
150 hours of community service
House Page last summer
Commended Student</p>

<p>What do you think? I don''t have any more ec's so I'm a bit worried.</p>

<p>And i'm white.</p>

<p>UCI and UCSB are safeties.
UCSD is a very safe match</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.96
SAT I: 2100 (640CR, 720W, 740M); 2100 (600CR, 720W, 780M); 1980 (630CR, 650W, 700M)
SAT II: Math IIC - 800, Physics - 630, Biology E - 710
APs: World Hist. 3, Calc BC 5 (AB Subscore 5), Phys Mech. 3, Phys E&M 3, Eng. Lang. 3
Class Rank: Top 10%</p>

Major: Biomedical Engineering</p>

Puzzle Club - Pres. & Founder (11th-12th)
Math Club - (9th-12th)
Marching Band - (9th-12th)
Business Club - (10th)
Local Chinese School Student Council Communication's Committee Chairman - 10th-11th
Trumpet - (4th-12th)
Piano - (1st-9th) MMTA Finalist/Honors Concerts - Almost finished program but stopped because moved to CA
Drawing - (6th-8th) Minnesota State-fair 1st place, stopped because move
Web Design - Both for Profit and Non-profit (9th-12th) - ie. my school's teachers, PTSA, band/orchestra/choir/colorguard, the Perinatal council, a local Chinese school, a local recycling program</p>

Web Design (mentioned above)
Thrift Store - 10th-11th Summer
City Museum - 9th-10th Summer & a little during 9th school year</p>

<p>Work Experience:
State Fair Boat Show - Just a day giving directions, explaining the show
Internship - 11th-12th Summer; R&D Material Testing work (Bio/Chem/Mech./Materials Engineering related); Testing fibers to help cure a sinus disease</p>

<p>Course Load (courses with a "/" are one semester of each course):
9th -
H Global/Health
Span 1
Marching Band/Symphonic Band
H Geometry

<p>Summer -
H Alg. II</p>

<p>10th -
Span 2
Marching Band/Wind Symphony
H Eng
H Pre Calc
AP World Hist.</p>

H US Hist.</p>

<p>11th -
AP Phys Mech./AP Phys E&M
Marching Band/Wind Symphony
AP Calc BC
AP Eng Lang
Span 3</p>

<p>12th -
AP Bio
Marching Band/Wind Ensemble II (tryout band)
AP Gov./AP Macro Econ
AP Eng Lit.
AP Stat
AP CS</p>

<p>Solid Essays. Decent Recs.
Almost increasing GPA trend (just messed up with one B in AP Phys 2nd semes)
Reason for poor start (not sure if I'll mention this in my essay), but moved from Minnesota to CA at beginning of 9th grade... had to make new friends, get used to the place while balancing school work at the same time</p>

<p>Chances for


UC GPA 3.88
SAT I 2330 (790 CR, 800 M, 740 WR)
ACT 35 (35 Math 34 Writing 36 Science 35 Reading; Essay+Writing 31)
SAT II Math 800, Bio 780, Chem 770
AP Scores: AP Bio 5, AP Computer Science AB 5, AP Statistics 5...taking BC Calculus, Physics C (both mechanics and e/m), Econ (Micro/Macro), Japanese, Psychology this year</p>

<p>Class rank: ~top 30% (competitive)</p>

National Japanese Honor Society, Language Excellence Award, National Merit Letter of Commendation, AP Scholar</p>

Varsity Swimming (CCS), Piano, Chinese School, Church, Robotics Team</p>

Tutoring at local elementary school (~100hours)</p>


<p>Took mostly the hard stuff at our school (14 honors/AP classes), with decent essays I suppose.
I would like to know my chances for getting into
UCSD-Engineering Physics</p>

<p>Chinese male, low income, single parent</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.0 (Includes summer classes at CC)
10th-11th unweighted: 3.68
9th-11th unweighted:3.56
Class rank: Around 112 / 600 (our district doesn't weigh GPA's for class rank, and I messed up freshman year)</p>

<p>Summer classes at CC:
Introduction to Business: B (missed one week of class)
Trigonometry: A
Pre-Calculus Algebra: A</p>

<p>Courses this year:
AP Physics B
AP Calculus AB
AP Government/Regular Econ (One semester of each)
English 4
Choir 1
Planning on taking Calculus 2 at CC during spring</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP World History: 5
AP Computer Science: 4
AP English: 4</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests:
Chinese: 800
Math II: 780
Chemistry: 740
World History: 700
Biology M: 620</p>

Composite: 33
English: 33
Math: 35
Reading: 33
Science: 30
Essay: 11</p>

<p>PSAT: 63 R/ 73 M/ 64 W 200 Total(96 percentile)</p>

National Merit Commendation
AP Scholar</p>

<p>Spent 5 years in Taiwan at a regular public school. I wrote about this in my essay, and I truly believe that this has changed me a lot due to the exposure to an ultra-competitive Asian school culture(again, wrote about in essay).</p>

Chinese Club (one of the founders): 9th/10th grades
CSF: 11th and 12th grades
Key Club: 11th and 12th grades
Church tutoring helper: 10th grade
Church GK (youth leader): 12th grade
NYLF Tech Forum: Summer after 10th grade
Piano (5 years, never had time to take CM examinations though). Despite the fact that I have never won any awards or sorts, I believe that I do have a pretty big passion for piano (write about in 2nd essay and explained why I didn't play piano for a longer time due to many circumstances)
Game Development Club - officer: 12th grade</p>

<p>Works for uncle's company unofficially (computer accesories compnay), does translation and grammatical checking (his company is based in Taiwan)</p>

<p>Chances for
Berkeley - L&S CS
UCLA - Computer Engineering and Science
UCSD - Computer Engineering and Science
UCD - Computer Engineering and Science
UCI - Computer Engineering and Science</p>
