The Official UC Winter 2011 Thread

<p>I'm actually more pumped to start in winter. New year, new school, new outlook. :D</p>

<p>winter 2011!</p>

<p>pointless threads are funny to see</p>


<p>which UC’s are admitting winter transfers?!?!</p>

<p>I heard through the grapevine that all UCs are not accepting winter transfers bc of budget cuts, I HOPE THIS IS JUST A RUMOR.</p>

<p>why is this thread pointless? </p>

<p>ucsd does winter and so does ucd if you go to a TAP college. not sure about the others.</p>

<p>there is a winter 2010 thread out right now and it was started in september…this thread is pointless because it’s still 2009</p>

<p>i just saw the TAG site for UCSD. are they really not accepting Winter 2011 Transfers? what other UC’s are accepting winter transfers?!?!</p>

<p>where did you hear that they’re not taking 2011 winter transfers?? o.O haha I called the lady in the ucsd admissions office and they said to check about next year lol… to see if they accept winter 2011 transfers idk… id like to see the source of your info :D</p>

<p>please tell me its just a rumor.</p>

<p>A counselor told my friend that there will be no winter 2011 for all the UCs. I hope she’s incorrect tho, because the counselors at my cc suck!</p>

<p>im pretty sure ucsd isnt doing 2011 winter. it says on their site that they only accept fall applications now. =T buttt… i think uc irvine is still doing spring transfers =T</p>

<p>If not, no biggie. It’ll just give me time to travel.
I did want to do winter though, so I could do EAP during spring.</p>