<p>i was recently admitted to all three of these schools' business programs. looking at the rankings i know iu is ranked 16th in one poll adn 11th in the other; u of i is 17th in one poll and 13th in the other. what is interesting though is that ohio state is 59th in one ranking and 17th in the other...but they have offered me a 37k scholarship...any thoughts???</p>
<p>The Fisher School of Business (OSU) is not bad at all, its no Wharton but it still a solid program. And a 37k (assuming a year) scholarship is easily a full ride and then some I see no reason not to go to OSU.</p>
<p>ah…its $9,200 a year from osu, roughly 37k over 4 year
sorry for being unclear</p>
<p>well thats still pretty good the schools all cost about the same so 9,200 will make a huge difference</p>
<p>very true…the only thing that really baffles me is osu’s difference between the 2 rankings. how can they be 17 in one and 59 in the other one???</p>
<p>They’re all very good. Don’t worry about silly rankings. Pick which you feel fits you best.</p>
<p>i think im going to find myself in a similar situation next year when applying to big 10 business schools! ill probably end up at uiuc because it’s in-state, but if osu and/or iu give enough dinero, then it will be a tougher choice.</p>
<p>and im definitely going to take diontechristmas’ advice, go visit a bunch of places this summer, see what i like best.</p>
<p>well…since im OOS and im probably going to have to pay 30,000+ per year, i think im going to have to visit all three of them. im still waiting from a few other schools like texas and usc, and at this poi9nt i sorta hope i might not get in so my decision wont be so difficult lol</p>
<p>Go to U of I</p>
<p>any reason to flat out pick u of i???</p>
<p>I would go to whichever one costs the least, unless you hate one of them when you visit. All three of them have very good business schools.</p>
<p>There isn’t a big enough difference to merit one or the other. I would go to OSU.</p>
<p>It would be difficult to select between Ohio State University and Universty of Illinios- Champaign. Though as a resident of Michigan, I would probably lean towards more U of I due to Ohio State University ( and other Ohio schools) hudge dislike to Michigan.</p>
<p>UIUC is the strongest of the three schools overall. Indiana over Ohio State if you are planning on majoring in business and you have to pay for it yourself. However, a 37k scholarship is something difficult to turn down. You need to visit all three and decide which one you like best.</p>
<p>All three are great programs. UIUC is probably the most solid school as a whole, but I would say IU has the best business program out of three. Also, IU probably has the nicest campus out of the three, but if OSU is going to throw money at you I would say definitely go there. There are always things to do in Columbus.</p>