the onion

<p>what do you think of this as a favorite website <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I put that as my favorite website and I got in, so I guess it's okay.</p>

<p>ok cool thanks</p>

<p>i used it, too.</p>

<p>haha, if anything, the problem may be that it's too common :P. But don't what you think is true.</p>

<p>haha ok cool</p>

<p>what about the foutainhead as the favorite book? I know some people perceive it as ultra conservative and promotes selfishness but I look at it differently</p>

<p>I'm using the Onion too. The Fountainhead is fine, so long as it really is your favorite book. I wouldn't worry.</p>

<p>Who else is doing</p>

<p>I did</p>

<p>someone should do HAHA</p>