The optional recommendation

<p>Is anybody doing this one? If so, can you invite them online and do it that way, or do they have to submit it by mail, because there is no mailing label for just this one. Also, is it just a letter for this one, or is there a form to fill out too?</p>

<p>Can’t do it online, must be hardcopy. And there is no mailing label, just write it in or make your own label. No form, just print it out on a piece of paper (make sure it has your name, DOB, School, Common App ID on it).</p>

<p>I didn’t put my common app ID on it…the website didn’t specify that and I forgot, although it now sounds like a good idea :P</p>

<p>Oh well, it has exactly what they asked for otherwise. I just hope it arrives in time from England</p>