<p>i am not a pennsylvania resident and was wondering if anyone has any info concerning which penn state schools are the most respectable. im particularly interested in engineering schools</p>
<p>Definitley the University Park campus.</p>
<p>By penn state, do you mean actual branches of PSU, or just public schools in the state of PA, or what? If you are looking specifically at PSU, no doubt you would prefer to go to the main campus in University Park. The branch campuses are less desirable, and I think for the most part if you want to finish an engineering degree you need to transfer to University Park after your first two years, anyway (Penn State-Erie is an exception to this). For in-state students being able to go directly to University Park as a freshman is somewhat of a mark of distinction. If you just mean Pennsylvania public schools, both PSU main campus and U of Pittsburgh are excellent. And, if you just mean engineering schools located within the state of pennsylvania, in addition to PSU and Pitt there are many more:</p>
<p>Penn, Bucknell, Lehigh, Lafayette, Drexel are some that come immediately to mind (this is not at all a comprehensive list).</p>
<p>wait, penn isn't part of penn state??</p>
<p>^^^No, Penn (The University of Pennsylvania) is a private institution.
So are Bucknell, Lehigh, Lafayette, and Drexel.</p>
<p>However these universities in PA are in fact public:</p>
<p>Pennsylvania State University (duh)
University of Pittsburgh
Temple University
California University of Pennsylvania
Cheney University
Clarion University
East Stroudsburg University
Edinboro University
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Kutztown University
Lincoln University
Lock Haven University
Mansfield University
Millersville University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Shippensburg University
Slippery Rock University
West Chester University</p>
<p>Some of those are merely publically supported. Penn State and Pittsburgh are operated independently. Like Delaware or William & Mary.</p>