<p>man, looking at first page, it’s either political, intellectual, or something about money/fame.</p>
<p>time for some good ole fun eh? tell us how you did your prank.</p>
<p>here are the definition of a good prank.</p>
<li>safe: it must not hurt anyone</li>
<li>annoying: although it doesn’t hurt anyone it must seriously make ppl waste their time.</li>
<li>legal: never, NEVER, do anything that involves illegal activitiy or destruction of public properties. it will give you more headache than fun folks. My highschool had a group of people destroying locks, and they ended up paying hundreds per person.</li>
<li>unique. need I say more?</li>
<li>condom on door handles</li>
<li>put superclue to the floor of bathroom</li>
<li>dump red paint into the school swiming pool, along with a large bag filled with paper to resemble a human corpse.</li>
<p>Well. Theoretically, you could take a screenshot of the computer desktop, remove all the icons, and set that as the desktop. On a school computer. Some of you might have more stringent and competent security, though :)</p>
<p>Kids at a school near mine somehow lowered sheep and goats into the school's courtyard-- the school was locked, and 2 stories high all around-- I dont think anyone still knows how they got there....</p>
<p>My senior class was pretty good- broke your "legal" req, however.</p>
<p>Liberal use of "Police crime scene - do not cross" tape, blocked off driveways to the school with orange barrels and barriers appropriated from local construction sight (also liberally covered in police tape), and a bunch of red and blue rotating lights set up behind the school so you could see their light around the corner, but not see that their source was just kids....</p>
<p>Yeah, I'd replace "legal" as a requirement. Say "Doesn't destroy anything permanently."</p>
<p>Some breaking into the school will probably have to occur. At least, for what my friends that are seniors have planned. And what I'm working on for next year.</p>
<p>haha this happened to someone at my school... this chick had a hella hard time opening her locker cuz someone put like 10 layers of duct tape over her lock. i guess they knew her lock combination too cuz when she opened her locker the front of it was sealed with hella layers of duct tape LOL.</p>
<p>We pulled off our prank last week. During the night we took ever single chair in the entire school and arranged them to say 2005 on the main lawn. We then used riot ties (those plastic cords that police use to handcuff rioters) and tied every single chair together. Riot ties can't be cut without heavy-duty scissors. Our school only has 320 kids, but it's spread out over a lot of land, and there are a bunch of different buildings. We counted that we moved about 1300 chairs that night, with about 6 pickup trucks taking chairs from the quad, the cafeteria, etc. to the field. Our quad is sunken into the ground (kinda hard to explain, it's like a big cement pit thats about 3 feet deep in the middle, really weird), so for the second part of the prank we put plastic sheeting and sand bags over the drains and filled up with water. We got a huge amount of bubble bath and made a swimming pool/bath tub. Somebody brought a kayak. We worked on it from 9 until about 3:30 the next morning.</p>
<p>everyone love to pull the fire alarm once in a while.......and the school just pretend that they're testing the system when it's actually a prank. every time it goes off, they'll make announcement saying "please disregard the bells, we're currently testing the sytem." and we're like 'yeah right....it's a prank, admit it....."</p>
<p>There was a destructive prank at my school Friday. Basically, all the doors were superglued shut. It took over 3 hours to reopen all of them. There was a pep assembly/dance that night but it was cancelled due to the prank. So, at lunch there was a mini "riot" in which at least 400 students surrounded the principal, shouting and throwing things at him. Awful.</p>