The Predictions List

<p>okay people, heres how it works. its another roster. YOU ADD YOURSELF TO THE LIST DO NOT ASK OTHER PEOPLE TO DO IT FOR YOU. <em>ahem</em> :) alphabetize yourselves, anybody asking to be put on gets an automatic REJECTION predicion from me. </p>

<p>the list closes officially at 9PM EST tomorrow. after 9, read the list, and for the people on it, make a prediction about their admissions decision. as lindsey put it, most people would be more comfortable predicting other peoples chances than their own. when it comes time to list them, simply number your reply like a quiz, and write accepted/deferred/rejected or - if you have no basis to judge, next to the number. Each person corresponds to the number next to their name on the final officialized list, so there is no need to go "12: screenname9 - accepted"
to simplify, "12 - accepted" will do fine, screenname9 can then see all the 12s on the list and see what people think.
if you are not comfortable with other people predicting your chances or giving other people theirs, we completely understand. </p>

<p>i hope i was clear, sometimes directions aren't my thing. </p>

<p>enjoy ~ Victoria :)</p>

<li> panthers7 = 1480 1/346 4.0 gpa</li>

<p>Fine. I'll just do it now so that I don't have to add when there are lots of people on the list. Josh, you need to add that you're a recruited athlete with a likely letter so I'm just gonna do it for you.</p>

<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>


<p>Objective: 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw
Subjective: 2 good recs, one great | people told me my essays were good</p>

<p>Victoria, you broke your own rules about the alphabetizing!</p>

<p>ah so i did! eek ~ thanks :) </p>

<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

Objective: 1520 | 800,800,730| 3.92 in Competitive Prep School
Subjective: International and National Award-Winning <a href=""&gt;Political Cartoonist</a>, good essays (I hope).</li>

<li>DisplacedNewYorker - 1580/800/800/750 2/449 /4.0uw professional actor with agent (was on national reality tv, two commercials, and an indie film, huge activist at state and local levels)</li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH4%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH4&lt;/a>. newt
Objective: 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw
Subjective: 2 good recs, one great | people told me my essays were good</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<li>Garyan13 - 1560 8/317 96.5 uw </li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<p>oops, sorry about the alphabatizing mistake. here we go: </p>

<li>Colorado 365 - 1520 | 800,800,730| 3.92, <a href=""&gt;;/a>, solid recs and essay</li>
<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>


<li>Colorado365 - 1520 | 800,800,730| 3.92 in Competitive Prep School | Int'l + Nat'l Award-Winning Poli. Cartooniist (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/li>
<li>DisplacedNewYorker - 1580/800/800/750 2/449 /4.0uw professional actor with agent (was on national reality tv, two commercials, and an indie film, huge activist at state and local levels)</li>
<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>Garyan13 - 1560 8/317 96.5 uw </li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<p>thanks, dtown</p>

<li>andi's son 1550 770 740 730 no ranking 3.76-4.45</li>
<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<li>Colorado365 - 1520 | 800,800,730| 3.92 in Competitive Prep School | Int'l + Nat'l Award-Winning Poli. Cartooniist (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/li>
<li>DisplacedNewYorker - 1580/800/800/750 2/449 /4.0uw professional actor with agent (was on national reality tv, two commercials, and an indie film, huge activist at state and local levels)</li>
<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>Garyan13 - 1560 8/317 96.5 uw </li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>ivyboy05 - 1490 - top grade division (no rank) - 3.97 to 4.05 - first generation - excellent essays - good recs</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<li>andi's son 1550 770 740 730 no ranking 3.76- 4.45</li>
<li>Colorado365 - 1520 | 800,800,730| 3.92 in Competitive Prep School | Int'l + Nat'l Award-Winning Poli. Cartooniist (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)&lt;/li>
<li>DisplacedNewYorker - 1580/800/800/750 2/449 /4.0uw professional actor with agent (was on national reality tv, two commercials, and an indie film, huge activist at state and local levels)</li>
<li>dtown - 1600 | 790 750 740 | no ranking | 3.8 to 3.9 (incl. ~3.2 ninth grade)</li>
<li>Garyan13 - 1560 8/317 96.5 uw </li>
<li>iplayoboe - 1440 12/387. 3.97uw</li>
<li>ivyboy05 - 1490 - top grade division (no rank) - 3.97 to 4.05 - first generation - excellent essays - good recs</li>
<li>lindseyluJH - <a href="http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/displa...ser=lindseyluJH&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li>
<li>newt - 1520 | 780/770/730 | 1/574 | 3.98 uw | good essays, recs</li>
<li>panthers 7 - 1480 1/346 4.0 Likely Letter/Recruited Athlete</li>

<p>You guys should check out Colorado's cartoons...they're hilarious and good. Nice job Colorado</p>

<p>wow colorado, and those are some pretty impressive awards!! my newspaper wins some of those, but collectively, not for any individual efforts</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I appreciate that. Cartooning was a big draw to Yale, they have the oldest daily college newspaper, and it would be awesoem to get to work for it. Good luck to all!</p>