The Race Box

I’m part Colombian and consider myself biracial, but there’s only an ethnicity box for Latinx. What do you guys do
to show you are a racial minority? My ethnicity is also French…

Are you saying Colombian is a race? Or are you saying as a Colombian you are a mix of Caucasian/Native/African?

What form are you filling out? Most forms have two separate fields, one for race in which you can often select more than one and one for ethnicity which is usually a yes or no box.

Ok so my grandma is mostly native, although she does probably have some Spanish in her. She looks native, and her grandfather was a Chibchan cacique, but unfortunately because of history she doesn’t know the other tribes. No Black heritage. I don’t look native or get racially targeted, but sometimes people look at me strangely and ask where I’m from. I’m filling out the common app form, and I just wanted to ask how you guys would fill it out/advise me to fill it out. My grandma hands-down identifies as a native American even though she didn’t grow up on a reserve. The other thing is that in the US they ask for a code thing, and even though indígenas are considered Native American, indígenas don’t get codes in Latin America, so I’m at a loss about what I am and what my family is.

In the US you would check Hispanic, White, and Native American. I have no idea about how its done in Latin America.

Were you born in Colombia? Are both of your parents Colombian?

If so, for the purposes of US categories, it would probably be simplest to check Hispanic. In the US, tribal ancestry is documented through a registration process. As you say, no analogous process of identification exists in Colombia. So it might be difficult to “prove” if asked.

If you have one Colombian parent and one who identifies as white European/North American, then you could select more than one category if the form allows it.

If your indigenous ancestry is important to you, you might address it in one of your essays.

Oh my gosh thank you so much! I’ve been so stressed about this.

If your Grandmother is Colombian then mark Hispanic. I believe Native American refers to Native people indigenous to the lands now known as the United States of America as opposed to anywhere in North or South America. So being an indigenous from the Andes region of South American doesn’t count as Native American in the USA.

I’m not 100% sure of that but I think I’m right.

Ok so like google says indigenous people of the Americas, but idk if varies from form to form, and I thought latino/hispanic could only be an ethnicity which also confuses me. I’m just like so what do the Latinos mark down if they don’t know… white black and indigenous?

It will vary depending on the form. If you are applying to a school that gives free tuition to native american students , they will require tribal affiliation. If you are applying for National Hispanic Recognition Program, they only accept Hispanics from certain countries. On most forms you can put whatever you want.

Many Hispanics and Latinos will leave the race box blank, mark other, put white, or mark multiple races.