the rejection letter

<p>because i <3 the USC cc forum this much...
sorry, it's crappy quality and sideways (my bad!) but i know some of you wanted to know what's in the letter.</p>

<p>letter: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>hope that link works</p>

<p>This year's horrible, 5 years ago, schools often had 1/3 less applicants. I got into USC but got rejected by some of my favs. RRR how can you compete when all these g*ddamn 2nd gen boomers apply at the same time. I wonder if there might be business venture in founding a new private univeristy if one could get enough start up capital. The US population has grown over 100 million people since the last new 'versities were founded.</p>

<p>we should write our appeals to Mr. Brunold right?</p>

<p>the real problem is that everyone is applying everywhere online, so the same students take up the same spots at the same colleges most of the times</p>