The Reverse Freshman 15

<p>Everyone talks about the Freshman 15, but I'm having the opposite problem. I've been LOSING weight since college. I've lost 8 pounds in 7 weeks. The main reasons are the dining halls are closed weekends, closed early, and I just don't have enough time to eat as much as usual. I'm also maintaining my usual exercise schedule. There's nowhere to cook or keep food here.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any suggestions of the type of foods I should be eating to maintain my mass without gaining fat? I worked hard throughout high school to build up some bulk and it's quite disappointing to see it all go so quickly.</p>

<p>Also does anyone else's school have no dining on weekends? It seems outrageous to me and I was wondering whether I have a legitimate complaint.</p>

<p>Yes you would have a ligitimate complaint if they did indeed not serve anything over the weekend. I know at my school, they serve from 10-2 and 4:30-7 on Saturdays and Sundays. It sucks because with football, those just don't do me much good...</p>

<p>I would be really surprised if they didn't serve ANYTHING on the weekends..</p>

<p>Perhaps those protein food products found in health stores.</p>

<p>when i first came to college, i lost 8 pounds as well because of all of the walking i had to do up and down the hills. im just so used to driving everywhere at home and for the first time i had to walk to class, to eat, to the campus store, etc.</p>

<p>I'd suggest some foodstuffs that don't really need proper storage. Cereals, protein bars, ready to serve brown rice cups (just find a microwave and pop it in) Things like that should do to feed you for the weekend, all while not being too junky.</p>

<p>Peanutbutter sandwiches with peanuts on the inside are one of the more filling meals you can make without having to cook/store anything. Get some meal replacement bars/shakes if you can, and try to eat a lot of (good) protein during the week.</p>

<p>My school's dining hall has really screwed up weekend schedules, though we live in an apartment so we have space for our own food and don't bother the dining hall on weekends. I don't know what someone with no space AND no dining hall on weekends would do. Ask an older student what they do for weekends.</p>

<p>It's EASY to lose weight when your school's dining hall makes you lose your appetite every time. :rolleyes:</p>