The run down on sororities?

<p>The good, the bad... I'm not pre-judging greek life, but I'm not naive either. For all the amazing sororities that are out there, I also know (from college age friends) that there are some where the girls are superficial- not specifically at VT, just in general. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>From a rating website…</p>

<p>"There are many social fraternities and sororities at Virginia Tech for students to choose from. There are also numerous service, business, and academic fraternities and sororities. While many students find Greek life to be fulfilling and fun, there’s no need to join a fraternity or sorority in order to fit in. Fraternities do throw lots of parties, but these are usually open to everyone on campus. Greek parties off campus tend to be better than the ones on Oak Lane, which is considered on campus by the University. Oak Lane tends to be watched closely by the police, and therefore partiers there have to be more careful. Fraternity and sorority members hang out together, throw parties together, and generally know each other better than they know non-Greek students. Non-Greek students are by no means excluded or treated differently by Greek-affiliated students, but there is some separation between the two groups when it comes to the social scene.</p>

<p>Besides going to parties and wearing letters, fraternities and sororities do a lot of good around campus and the community. They organize fundraisers, clean up streets, and raise money for all kinds of causes. Those involved in Greek organizations are also able to network with alumni and others associated with their organization. Though many Tech students embrace the Greek life, fraternities and sororities don’t dominate the social scene. Just getting involved in student organizations can provide some of the same social opportunities and networking available through Greek organizations. There isn’t really any animosity between Greeks and non-Greeks."</p>

<p>“The campus doesn’t love Greeks but everyone who is Greek loves it. Going Greek is a great way to get involved on campus and meet a whole variety of new friends. Greeks are given a bad stereotype but the Greek life is completely different from what people assume. It’s a great community. There’s always something to do and get involved with, but you’re as involved as you want to be. Greeks don’t rule the school by any means. It’s just another positive thing to be doing in your spare time.”</p>

<p>“I wouldn’t come close to saying that Greek life dominates the social scene because under 20 percent of Tech students are in a fraternity or sorority, but I would say it is its own social scene. You don’t have to be Greek to have a good time or know where the party is, but from what I notice, Greeks tend to hang out amongst themselves, and non-Greeks likewise. There’s not much mixture between the two.”</p>

<p>“A lot of kids are in sororities and fraternities, but there’s not an overwhelming influence of Greek life, because the campus has so many other students that aren’t Greek.”</p>

<p>haha yea i’ve read a lot of stuff like that, i was just hoping someone who goes to tech and is involved in greek life could tell me more about the specific sororities. thanks for the info though :)</p>