The SAT Prep Workbook/Practice Test Books that helped you the most?

<p>Right now I'm thinking about purchasing the following:</p>

<p>-The Princeton Review 11 Practice Tests for the SAT 2008 Edition</p>

<p>-Kaplan The NEW SAT Critical Reading Workbook</p>

<p>-Kaplan SAT Writing Workbook</p>

<p>-Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT 2007 23rd Edition</p>

<p>-Barron's Critical Reading Workbook for the SAT</p>

<p>-Collegeboard's The Official SAT Study Guide</p>

<p>But before I purchased them, I wanted to know if anyone had feedbacks on the books
above or recommendations for the ones not listed above...Thank you!</p>

<p>I just used the Official SAT Study Guide, and that was it. In six day’s I’ll be able to tell you how it was, but I really felt that you may not need the other ones. But it depends on how much time you have to commit yourself to studying…</p>

<p>Barron’s pretty good
it’s a little bit harder than the official ones
and i think it make’s you feel a lot more confident when you realize how the real SAT questions were like</p>