<p>Whats the Secret to getting an 800 on Math? I mean aside from knowing all the questions... what kind of mindset do you need to have coming in? What kind of time management do you use? little tips and hints would be appreciated</p>
<p>Just know all the answers before. Work on weak areas. Do alot of practice tests. </p>
<p>Same ole for every test–nothing different.</p>
<p>Just do your best…</p>
<p>think positivlely? idk, a little pressure helps, at least i think</p>
<p>if you go to College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools, you can find the answers to all future SAT tests.</p>
<p>^^^but that costs 9.95 per month for the platinum membership and i don’t have that kinda money… :/</p>
<p>^^ I do but it requires a visa master plus golden platinum edition credit card :(</p>
<p>You are so funny…
About the topic - just do your best.Practice on your weak topics (mine are functions and solid geometry but still got a 780)</p>
<p>Go through it quickly once and answer all the easy ones and don’t worry about the hard ones. They’re all worth the same so don’t waste time figuring out one you’re not going to get anyway instead of getting a bunch of freebies.
Don’t worry too much about time - they give you way more than you need unless you do something dumb like spend all your time on one problem. Checking your watch too often will just make you nervous, waste your time, and distract you. You should probably check after you go through everything once; you’ll probably have about half your time left, so go through again and get everything you weren’t sure of, and then finally try the ones you didn’t know how to do.
Don’t go in expecting to know everything. You don’t even need to get everything right to get a perfect score.</p>
<p>Contrary to what “SAT Math 800: How to Tackle the Toughest Problems” says, yes you do.</p>
<p>If you want a perfect score, you’ve got to: </p>
<li>Know your stuff (a given)</li>
<li>Be smart enough to apply it (can be improved by rigorous practice if you’re already pretty smart)</li>
<li>Be careful (I lost my 800 to carelessness.)</li>
<p>and check and check and check ur answers!</p>
<p>Contrary to what “SAT Math 800: How to Tackle the Toughest Problems” says, yes you do.</p>
<p>Really? Well, I guess I wouldn’t know about the SAT I math. I thought I remembered checking for the SAT II Math, and I’m pretty sure it said we could miss multiple problems and still get 800. Maybe I got them mixed up or something.</p>
Make sure you read the question right. If a problem seems hard, you probably read it wrong or are trying to use the wrong method to solve it.</p>
<p>Take pains.</p>
<p>yep, sadly, for SAT I a single mistake can cost you 20 points. too little math questions to outweigh the significance of a single error.</p>
<p>my tip is read each question twice and underline math terms like “perimeter”, “length”, “circumference”, “area” and so on such that it becomes near impossible to misread the question.</p>
<p>haha, don’t know if it works for you all but i made a deal with myself not to touch my calculator at all. just do all written workings. i don’t wanna push the wrong buttons, so to speak, by accident.</p>
<p>(and anyone has secrets to CR 800? particularly ambiguous questions about tone and attitude feel like starting a new thread for this…)</p>
<p>how to get 800??
for pros out there: READ THE QUESTION 2X.</p>
<p>yeah zero. math II you can miss a few and still get an 800</p>
<p>drange, I missed one math question on the entire November SAT I, and I made a 760. The curve was that bad.</p>
<p>Hm, okay. I guess I just assumed that the SAT II would be graded harder than the SAT I.
and anyone has secrets to CR 800? particularly ambiguous questions about tone and attitude feel like starting a new thread for this…*
The choices they give you are usually pretty distinct. However, if you read through the passage and don’t get any kind of impression of the author’s attitude, then here’s a suggestion. It will sound really dumb and not helpful, but this is what I do and it works for me. (I’m pretty bad at getting tone questions, too.)
As soon as you see the question asking for the tone/attitude, don’t think too hard. Just glance down at the choices really quickly and go with your gut feeling. Put that down and don’t doubt yourself because that will distract you from the other questions.
I’m pretty sure this won’t work for everyone, but I did this and I got all the questions right.</p>
<p>lol haha gut feeling. kinda hard for me. especially if i have to decide between sardonic/sarcastic/skeptical/incredulous and another close one. cuz my personality’s a bit on the cynical side.</p>
<p>For mathematics level 2, this is true. Mathematics level 1 also basically doesn’t allow you to miss any for an 800.</p>
<p>I missed like 11 out of 50 on Math 2 and got a 780. However, my Math 2 was insanely hard (even for the majority of CC!)</p>