<p>So what does being called for an alumni interview mean? do they do this with every kid, just those they're interested in, or just those they're on the fence about?</p>
<p>All I know is that one of my son’s friends got a likely letter for RD and got called for an interview a week later-that was two years ago.</p>
<p>Only 50% of students get interviews and I think it mostly depends on how organized the alumni in your area are. However, students with “Outstanding” interview ratings are admitted at a higher rate (33.6%) than valedictiorians (33%).</p>
<p>I did ED and I still have yet to get an interview. I’m only about 20 minutes away from Boston, not a rural area or anything. I called Dartmouth and the person I talked to said they don’t have any control over it, and you will not be penalized for not having an interview.</p>
<p>where did you get those statistics?</p>
<p>Also, remember that what your interviewers are likely to be impressed by will also impress the adcoms anyway. I think the interview only makes you stand out if you are an extreme either way.</p>
<p>If you read the article I posted in the Successful Essays threads, the Dir of Admissions expressly says interviews are no longer considered.</p>
<p>Being offered one has no relationship to your desirability as a candidate.</p>
<p>You might be right.</p>
<p>But, I think when they say that since personal interviews are no longer a factor students have to make up for it with their personal statements. (something like that)</p>
<p>I believe they might be referring to the on-campus interviews with admissions officers that they used to hold. They stopped doing them because they found it disadvantaged those who couldn’t afford to travel and give an interview.</p>
<p>According to the latest Common Data Set, they said interviews were considered. (as opposed to important or very important)</p>
<p>I went to a local information session, and the statistics the presenter gave were that out of about 90 ED candidates in my area last year, only 2 kids didn’t get an interview. And 1 of the 2 opted out of having it. So I guess it depends on your area.</p>
<p>My mom is an alumna. She went to a regional meeting with an admission counselor from Dartmouth focused on interviews where they gave out a sheet breaking down acceptances based on certain characteristics (interviews, sats, etc).</p>
<p>I interview for Dartmouth. Pretty much everyone who is near an available alum gets one. Its not that critical. Its more there as a final validation point (i.e. maybe something stands out that wasn’t well represented enough in the rest of the application). Its far from a major part of the process.</p>
<p>bahrain321, would you care to type up that sheet?</p>
<p>Rate of Admission For…
Students in top 10% of class 15%
Valedictorians 33%
SAT CR Scores > 700 22%
SAT Math Scores > 700 18%
Interview rating of “Outstanding” 33.6%
Rating of “Highly Desirebale” 22%
“Recommended wiht Reservations” 4.3%
“Not Recommended” 1.4%</p>
<p>Interview Ratings (percentage of interviews rated)
Rating of “Not Recommended” 3.5%
Rating of “With Reservations” 6%
Rating of “Average” 16%
Rating of “Desireable” 28%
Rating of “Highly Desireable” 33%
Rating of “Outstanding” 12.5%</p>
<p>That is so depressing-even “outstanding” kids probably won’t get in, and I’d estimate I was “desirable” or something.</p>
<p>Dartmouth tries to get everyone to have an interview. It is not an indication of if you are more desirable then other students. It is dependent on the alumni network in your area, and how organized they are. I know people who never had an interview and are my peers now. Its not a big deal, just dont say anything offensive.</p>
<p>I’m very confused now. I applied ED but have yet to be contacted about interviews. (I, too, live in a area that has several Dartmouth interviewers.) I’ve heard that you have to indicate that you want an interview, but I don’t remember ever having the oppotunity to request one.
Am I missing something here?</p>
<p>^ you are not the only one. i havent been contacted either.</p>
<p>I applied ED (for '12), got accepted and never got an interview. I’m from the Boston area where there are no shortage of alumni. I don’t ever recall being presented the option of requesting an interview. </p>
<p>I wouldn’t sweat the interview thing as I think interviews are completely irrelevant.</p>
<p>getting interviews are basically crapshoots. xD </p>
<p>i was happy to get mine (and no, i didnt have to request it…its alumni initiated), but my classmate wasnt contacted. he was disappointed, to say the least.</p>
<p>i applied quite a while ago and have since then decided dartmouth is not one of my top choices. if i am contacted for an interview, can i opt out? How would i do that, and would it reflect badly on me? (It’s not a huge deal whether or not i get in since i now prefer other schools, but just wondering)</p>