<p>Captain Logic believes scubasteve should put his money where his gold teeth are by going to <a href="http://www.tradesports.com%5B/url%5D">http://www.tradesports.com</a> and buying the Kerry contract. No, that is not a contract on Kerry's life but a contract that costs 43 cents and if Kerry wins returns one dollar. Buy many contracts because the more the merrier. Scubasteve is deep, but does he have deep pockets? </p>
<p>Captured by aliens -- force to eat Wild Duck.</p>
<p>-Bush's comment that he never said he wasn't concerned with Bin Laden is an outright lie:
"I don't know where he [bin Laden] is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him." -press conference, March 13,2002</p>
<p>-Kerry bringing up Dick Cheney's daughter was a very stupid thing to do.</p>
<p>I felt the second debate was closer. Even if this debate was a tie, which it was not, Kerry would be polled the winner from momentum generated in the past 2 debates. However he was the clear winner in this debate, perhaps not so decisively as in the first, but a sure winner at that. 55%/30ish in favor of Kerry is my predication in the post debate polling</p>
<p>Kerry was weaker than before, but I still think he was stronger than Bush. I give him the win.</p>
<p>The real question is: will these three debates significantly alter the electoral map? Kerry's made up ground in the popular vote pollings, but unless they alter several individual states, he's still trailing.</p>
<p>"Pretty weak on the first one but IMO was better than Kerry on the second and third (slightly though)."</p>
<p>The rest of the country disagrees. Kerry was given the victory in the second debate by every major poll. The third has yet to be told, however the cnn commentators are already giving the W to Kerry. Never good when the media is not on your side</p>
<p>Meso- I think they will, the popular vote is reflective of the electoral map to some extent. If Kerry is gaining support throughout the nation as a whole, then he should be gaining support in most individual states (unless some freak scenerio took place and say only the people of Hawaii were responsible the entire gain of support in the polls... likey or not you decide)</p>
<p>Its hard to say who won. It seemed like the debate was like a "greatest hits" album. I think the avrg joe might have seen bush stronger when it comes to jobs and outsourceing, hoever econimic experts would probably see bush haveing the better plan, probably more of the same. When it comes to social security "i" see bush haveing won that. I beleive that kerrys statment is compeltly false that if we didnt give tax cuts to the upper 1% we would be able to sustain ss(not nazis) until 2075. Im also not shure of this but didnt the moderator give a figure of 1 trillion dollars for bush's ss plan and kerry turned it to 2 trillion (i am honestly not shure). It may just be that i heard the moderator wrong. I have a feeling kerry might have scored some points on drug programs, but bush did well when he was aginst gov run health care. "To me" according to my beleifs bush won by a little. I dont think this debate will have a large effect on the country. It was just more of the same.</p>
<p>Captain Logic declares Bush the winner of the third debate. </p>
<p>Kerry will raise $800 billion from the three rich people in the room at the second debate. He will give the middle class a tax break that reduces revenues further. He will then add two divisions to the armed forces, increase funding on schools, provide health insurance for all Americans (his words tonight), increase spending on ports and fire fighters, and police, and that is just the beginning of his spending. Captain Logic believes it is not possible for Kerry to provide all of these things and reduce the budget deficit by 50 percent in five years. Captain Logic believes it is not wise to promise what is impossible for you to deliver -- it will cost you an election.</p>
<p>My vote definitely goes to Kerry. Bush appeared unprepared and unready for some of the questions thrown his way. I personally wasn't a fan of his numerous attempts to insert humor at inopportune times in his answers, but that could just be me. Kerry fielded his questions well, though. All in all, it was an enjoyable evening, although the debate wasn't nearly as intense as I thought it might be. Sad day.</p>
<p>"The rest of the country disagrees. Kerry was given the victory in the second debate by every major poll. The third has yet to be told, however the cnn commentators are already giving the W to Kerry. Never good when the media is not on your side"</p>
<p>Hey i1lmatic, do you not know what IMO means?? That means IN MY OPINION. </p>
<p>Do I care what most polls regarding this debate or election say about Bush or Kerry? Clearly not. All I care about is the Big One in November.</p>
<p>Kerry's joke about marrying upward was hilarious, but reflected badly on him...I probably would have been less surprised to hear that from Cheney.</p>
<p>Bush put Kerry on the defensive, nailed him on some key issues (especially the Gulf War vote) and generally did well. Good job, Mr. Prez.</p>
<p>^ just shows you that these debates will not change the position of any republican or democrat.</p>
<p>"Bush won. and easily" </p>
<p>Although Bush might have been a little better, by NO MEANS did he win it clearly and decisively. I don't know where you get that from. Maybe it's your bias towards Bush?</p>
<p>BTW in my opinion it was a tie, with Kerry performing worse than usual and Bush better than usual.</p>