<p>Isn't it interesting how the supporters of each candidate generally feel that their man won the debate? I wouldn't call myself a real "supporter" of either candidate. I think that Kerry did slightly better in this debate, but I think that Bush generally held his own.</p>
<p>Apparently many feel Bush lost.</p>
<p>Kerry is up 73% to 27% in the current msnbc poll
Kerry is up 85% to 14% in the current cbs poll</p>
<p>That's pretty much expected, actually...</p>
<p>Edit: to poetheart's comment</p>
<p>why wont people learn not to trust the polls. they are all skewed somehow. there is no way there is that big of a gap between kerry and bush, and there is no way that few people think the debate was tied. one poll asked people who won a past debate and they overwhelming said kerry won... do u know why. 2/3s of the people polled were democrats. the orgnisation said they did that on purpose to proprly represent the voters.</p>
<p>nick-- these are online polls on each of the own news site's respected website... voting is open to anyone and these polls have so far registered over 500,000 votes (and yes you can only vote once it blocks ip address)</p>
<p>ok but dont you think that more democrats would go to cbs's poll to vote and more repubicans would go to fox's poll(which i really cant find) to vote.</p>
<p>I agree, but msnbc is fairly neutral</p>
<p>Actually, the Democratic party (and Republicans afterward) sent out an email to tell party members to go vote on polls, so they are very skewed and socalnick, foxnews' poll is on the bottom right.</p>
<p>Skewed by action of the parties, however at the same time fair since both parties did the same thing (Dems didnt sound out the mailing untill after the debate, I recieved mine at 10:59pm).</p>
<p>Kerry 61% to 38% in the fox news online poll</p>
<p>Its not like either of them are telling the truth. These debates are just another form of advertising.</p>
<p>yeah i kno fox's polls are probably skewed to the right but lately i have found nbc more towards the left then they usually are.</p>
<p>i1lmatic can u link me to were you saw the results of fox's poll i still cant find it</p>
<p>It's on the front page, on the right under "Get Your Weather"</p>
<p>just got to foxnews.com</p>
<p>scroll about halfway down look on the right...the tab says "On the Record" and then there is a box with the question "Who won Wednesday night's presidential debate?" vote and it shows you the results</p>
<p>52% to 39% in favor of Kerry in a completed CNN poll just heard it on the tv.. not sure if the poll was online or scientific (although i do not see a polling option on their website)</p>
<p>ah thanks although im dissappointed that there is no neither option in that poll</p>
<p>There's a "none of the above"....which would be your neither</p>
<p>i kno but it really isnt clear, in one poll i saw with neither it was like 39 kerry 36 neither 25 bush</p>
<p>oh well now all we have to look foward to is more boring speeches untill election..</p>
<p>unless of course Monica decides to step in for an October surprise.. :)</p>
<p>Its all advertisement. And Ralph Nader's states are from 2000 put they post them on news sites as if they were current.</p>
<p>The first scientific (NOT internet) polls of who won the debate are out.</p>
<p>Gallup/CNN gives Kerry a 13 point advantage on who won.
ABC News gave Kerry a 1 point advantage on who won, but the sample contained 8 percent MORE Republicans than Democrats.
CBS News poll found a 14 point advantage for Kerry; that 39 percent of voters said Kerry won, 25 said Bush won, and 36 percent said it was a "tie"</p>
<p>No partisan breakdown of the samples was availible for the Gallup or CBS polls.</p>