The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@SpartanDrew have you heard anything from Frost yet? Apparently they are starting to notify jazz applicants.

@piranhavator Frost admissions told us they are shooting for March 15 to send out the notification. Over the past couple of years the admissions decisions went out to everyone on the same day. I have no reason to believe this year would be any different. Last year everyone heard on March 21. The year before that on the 23rd I think? What makes you say they are notifying jazz applicants?

@SpartanDrew my friend received a phone call this evening from sax professor Gary Keller who notified him of his acceptance. Keller wouldnā€™t tell him anything about scholarships though. My friend was there the same day we were.

@piranhavator Iā€™m chatting right now with someone who also got called early last year before the notifications went out. I think thatā€™s the case for some instrumentalists but o wouldnā€™t worry if you do t get a call. And I doubt very much vocalists will get called so we wait.

@SpartanDrew thanks Iā€™ll try to relax and not worry until then!

@piranhavator I wouldnā€™t stress. You were great. Iā€™d be shocked if you donā€™t get in with good scholarship. Which sax player was your friend at the jam? I felt so badly for those sax players. The prof was there videotaping all of them with his phone and then when they were done with their solo he would say their name at the end on his recording. He was obviously going back to look at those jam performances to help solidify his decision. Was the piano prof there too?

@dramasopranomom I am so encouraged that your daughter loves Oberlin. We are going there this weekend for her final audition. She would be a double degree there. The only place sheā€™s applied for that as it gives them 5 years. She thinks she wonā€™t like it there. No real evidence for that, just the knee jerk reaction of a teenage girl :))
I personally think she will love it as it has everything she wants. Iā€™m a little worried about the weather, now being Florida people!!

@bridgenail love the answer.
This particular 19 year old boy had no interest in my daughter. He was a staunch player for the other team!!! The friend we saw while there was male and his current boyfriend!
I love all the encouragement for university with conservatory programs
@jazzpianodad it wasnā€™t BM vs. BA. It was conservatory (like Juilliard) vs. university with conservatory in it (like Frost, Vandy, etc) in being able to get a job as a performing musician and still be able to eat.
@tripletmama donā€™t you love the ideas of teenage girls? LOL!!!

Well YAY!! D texted me that she got a phone call today from the head of jazz studies from William Paterson. He said they were very impressed with her audition videos and she has been admitted! Number 2 college admission. 6 more hopeful admissions to goā€¦

Congrats, @SpartanDrew ! Hope its a viable option!

@tripletmama we also visited different types of conservatory settings (stand alone, university, urban, etc) as well as an early visit to Wesleyan. It was all helpful and, by mid-audition season, it was pretty clear that my S preferred a stand-alone urban conservatory and ended up at NEC. That being said, Eastman was a close second as it had the same feel and was located away from the river (main) campus. Even at a small school like NEC, youā€™d be surprised at the variety! No football team or fraternities however.

@SpartanDrew - yup - DD has been working on her jazz workshop audition tape for Berklee summer scholarship - itā€™s due tomorrow - itā€™s the only way sheā€™ll be able to go (and if that happens - then like your DD Iā€™m hoping that it gets it out of her system before coming up with her college list). I have explained to her that Berklee is crazy large - with all levels of musicians. I told her that she needed to re-do her video since she didnā€™t turn her pickup up enough and you couldnā€™t hear her bass under the drummer :frowning: Then - she called me at 3am on Saturday and had passed out in her bathroom (lucky her host mom heard her go ā€œthudā€. So hubby and I jumped in the car and drove 6 hours to her in the ER. I wonder if sheā€™s burning the candle at both ends? (turns out she has a kidney infection - not figured out by the ER, however :frowning: While we were down there (when she felt fine) I rented a studio for her to record. Oh boy - was that a learning experience. The studio guy put headphones on her combo (pianist, drummer and dd=bassist) and put them in their own separate ā€œroomsā€. She nearly had a heart attack since she really likes to see her combo when they play. I doubt sheā€™s going to use the tape (audio would need to be put over the video that I shot on a tripod with an Iphone) - the best laid plans. At least the studio time wasnā€™t that expensive. And she sent her original tape to a bassist at Berklee who said he could hear her and that she is better than most who are there now and she shouldnā€™t sweat it. Easy to say - but when you are going for a summer scholarship (I would imagine there are lots around the world vying for it) - I thought it was good to submit a good tape. Learning experience. I will keep you posted - they are supposed to hear April 7 I think. Sheā€™s working on her 7/8 rhythm tape thing as we speak (as she pops antibiotics - she is very focused - sometimes too focused - wish I could bottle some of that focus and give it to her triplet sister).

@bridgenail - you crack me up!!! Love your advice. #nolivingunderbridges

@Drummergirl - what does your son play again? Good to hear that your son had a clear preference (that didnā€™t change :slight_smile: I know a bassist this year that will likely end up at NEC next year (he plays both classical and jazz). How big is NEC?

@SpartanDrew - your daughter is on a roll! Congrats! More to come, Iā€™m sure. Even though I donā€™t know you all very well - Iā€™m excited for your kids!

@tripletmama I jumped on the Berklee Summer programs website yesterday and saw a brand new scholarship for the summer programs for female musicians! It is also run by Terri Lynn Carrington. Did you check that out? That might have better odds for your D since she will only be competing against other female instrumentalists. What a cool scholarship. Also a full ride. Maybe something to think about. The jazz workshop scholarship is extremely competitive. Good luck and Iā€™m pulling for her!

First acceptance! UMich, VP, 2/28 via e-mail.

Sheā€™s had some positive tea leaves from a few other schools, ranging from moderately strong to very strong tea, but Iā€™m going to hold off reporting here until word comes via the regular official channels.

The wait will be easier now with a ā€œyouā€™re in!ā€ in the bank.

Congrats, @NYCMusicDad ! Such a great school!

Congrats @NYCMusicDad! Dā€™s friend just got her acceptance there as well for VP classical voice. She is an amazing talent here.

WooHoo @NYCMusicDad !!!

Great news @NYCMusicDad ! Congratulations!

@NYsaxmom if you write a book, put me down for an advance copy!

Just found this thread courtesy of @tripletmama and so happy to hear all this great news! My S will be in the stew next time around and already has a tentative list. He did the Berklee 5-week last summer and loved it, but may want more of a true campus experience. Heā€™s doing the Eastman jazz workshop this July, and checking out Syracuse while we are in the area. He saw (and loved) Ithaca, and will head to Rutgers/Mason Gross and Peabody/Johns Hopkins during spring break. I would love for him to check out Oberlin, but he really wants to do some education courses and they donā€™t offer that track. So far the best fit for him seems to be Ithaca BM in jazz performance/music education; if admitted, they will let him pick one, the other, or both after freshman year.

We are still looking for ā€œcampusā€ options. S wants to stay within a six-hour drive of us if possible, so nowhere south or too far west. He checked out the NYU program (his sister graduated NYU in 2017) and decided against it. I suspect he wants to get away from NYC since heā€™s been in this area most of his life.