The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Hahaha @JerseyParents I enjoyed some Chardonnay last night and then had a sleepless night. I’m off to NOLA for a conference today so I am certain all portals will update while I’m in flight. Like they did last night when I gave up and went to walk the dogs. Sigh. If it happens while I’m in flight then you’re all welcome. ;))

I looked back on my FB posts from 2013 when my son was accepted into Frost (he did successfully graduate in 4 years… last May… and is gainfully employed). He was accepted on March 12th and didn’t receive scholarship info until 28th. So I wouldn’t worry yet!!!

@SpartanDrew , let New Orleans distract you for a while! Lots going on this weekend, including The Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, where you can enter a contest to scream “Stella!” in great angst. If you like, you can substitute “Frost!” or “NEC!” No one else will know what the heck you are doing, but your CC Music family will appreciate it. :smiley:

YES!!! Sounds like a great plan @vistajay!

Just spoke with a kid in admissions who asked someone else. He responded with exactly what Frost admissions just emailed back to me which is this:

"Music letters are being posted later today. I don’t believe the university has even sent the official email to applicants to check their portal yet, so your daughter and the others just happen to check before the process is complete!

I expect the official notification from UM will be later this afternoon and everything will be posted then."

So more waiting but at least we will know today! ARRRGGGHHH!!!

Congrats all! ONLY 1.2 more miles … oops one week and a day. And when people talk about marathons obsessively…now you know why…it’s the incredible, drawn-out pain they are trying to process.

Hoping those money offers come sooner than later…but in my experience there may be a straggler or two…even Apr. 1. But I see medals in the distance so hang in there!!!

Easy @JerseyParents . You don’t want to pass out tonight and miss all the fun! This site will be exploding soon. My D is home for spring break and has several friends from summer programs awaiting anxiously tonight for the Oberlin decisions. My house will be rocking tonight. I might as well go get slices of Serrano ham and Manchego cheese and open up that old bottle of Jerez. Geeze, I was on a diet and you guys ruined it! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hahaha @coloraturadad and @JerseyParents !! I’m cancelling my afternoon appointments (Pacific Time) for today’s results, and I have a gorgeous bottle of red wine waiting. Somehow, I’m enjoying this so much more than last year! How about you @coloraturadad ??? So excited for all of these talented youth!

Is it safe to assume nobody has heard from New School? Anyone have a date on that one?

It’s a decal. I was in Ms. Kerr’s office yesterday and saw the decals stacked up. I asked her for one. I think she was so stunned she handed me one and said they were going out in the acceptance letters.

Any tips on my junior daughter beginner her venture to frost? It’s her first choice. She has 1190 on sat not the 1300 they want.

Welcome @sandrafcove! I want a T shirt darn it! Haha! What is your D hoping to major in? Getting to know the profs there on your visit right now is a great advance step. And as @coloraturadad said, and he is 100% accurate, audition is KING. That and networking with faculty. My D had an abysmal SAT score but her GPA is good and her talent better. We will see how much they think she’s worth soon I hope or she won’t be going either.

So my daughter got her first rejection!!! Oberlin was a no. But i’ts all good. 7 for 8 so far including her top pick. Plus now we come up with all the reasons she didn’t want to go there…LOL!!! The coldest, the hardest for us to travel to, in the middle of nowhere, the highest tuition etc etc etc.

The letters are being compiled and sealed from what I saw yesterday! Good luck everyone

@NYsaxmom , hugs! It IS cold AND expensive!! I am disappointed with the Oberlin decision for your D, but it’s so great that she has so many wonderful options!

On a sad note, did you all see the news that the 17 year old Austin boy who was killed in the terrorist explosion recently was admitted as a Double Bass major at Oberlin? The decision had been made but of course he hadn’t been notified at the time of his death. Puts a lot of things into perspective… best of luck to all your beautiful, incredible children today!

@dramasopranomom Yes, I just saw that about Draylen Mason. It is just so sad. He sounded like a remarkable young man.

OMG @dramasopranomom…that is incredibly sad and heartbreaking. Yes it puts everything into perspective.

That is horrible. So very sad. Things can always be worse than our own small problems

@NYsaxmom Sorry to hear about your daughters rejection. She has had one amazing audition season!

She has…but like I said she is totally fine with it, realizes how blessed she is to have choices. And I didn’t want anyone to think she didn’t get any rejections!!! :))

My daughter also had her first rejection yesterday. Frost is a no for her. Once we heard how small the CAM major is we knew it would be a reach. U Miami has placed her on the waitlist for the college of Arts and Sciences (which has nothing to do with Frost). This was a very strange notification process. We all need some wine after this process!

Congratulations to everyone who has been admitted to Frost!!!