The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Well…I am the worst person to ask on that one because I believe I’d win in the “least patient” category! I’m waiting on some news myself. I’m waiting until tomorrow then sending the nudge emails LOL

@NYsaxmom , it’s hard but I would wait until Friday morning and then email them again. I think a week after they said they would respond is an appropriate time to nudge.

@NYsaxmom at least you got a reply to be patient

7 days ago, the Department Head forwarded our request to University Dean of Admissions and director of the music school and neither of them have responded yet.

@NYsaxmom I think I would wait a couple more days…you know they are on it. But there is no right answer! And to everyone above, I agree wholeheartedly that these decisions are so big for our kids, and we can expect some out of character behavior that shows this stress! They are so young! Their brains are still developing! AND particularly in the arts, there is inherent pressure regarding family and how many expectations and how much work and resources the family has invested.
Also, I agree that there is no single “right place” for our children to land. They must make the best choice they can and then bloom where planted. And @bridgenail and @dbandmom are so right on; there will be much flux and growth in the next few years. There will be really tough times. Many will change programs. Our children are growing and learning so much about themselves, the world, and their place in it…and it helps to embrace this lack of security as much as possible. I wasn’t fully prepared for this! I really thought “well now she’s in and settled, we can just sit back and let her develop for the next four years”. I am learning to be comfortable with this lack of security, and it isn’t easy.

Thank you all. I love you guys!

S18 is in the final days of rehearsal before his last HS spring musical. He is at rehearsal until 10pm at night and then just wants to veg for a little while and go to sleep. No one is getting a well thought response to an email or a return call this week. And he certainly does not want to discuss his college decision with us! He is sending quick notes back to schools that are contacting him, but they are just going to have to wait a little longer for any reply of substance.

I wish I had been prepared for April and the slow pace and still not knowing anything. We thought March was hard but it was a cakewalk in comparison to April in my opinion. We have it narrowed down to 3 schools, with really 2 in contention. But none still not where we would like them to be financially. So the waiting on the appeal from one school before sending in an appeal to another feels like moves in a chess game. And I’m stumped at the moment.

I’m trying to be patient (not working out so well tbh) and I think I’ll wait until the end of the week. I’ll give school A a nudge then but may start the appeal process with school B. I don’t feel really comfortable appealing to 2 schools at once. But we may just have to before we run out of time.

Playing devil’s advocate for a moment…what’s wrong with a nudge? I don’t mean constant harassment, but if I was told Friday and didn’t hear back by, say, Monday, I’d send a polite ping on Tuesday. I know they’re busy, but what’s the down side? Would they really say “That SpartanKid, he’s so annoying – let’s give the money to someone else?”

This may be a cultural thing – I was born and raised in New York City, and we’re not willing to wait 90 seconds to get cream for our coffee, let alone a week to hear about something so crucial!

(P.S. I’m a complete newbie so please take my ignorance with a grain of salt.)

@akapiratequeen I am laughing as I lived in NY for 25 years, so maybe that’s why I have the impatient streak!!

@akapiratequeen I guess it depends on where the target school is located, LOL!

Hmmmm so maybe a NYC based school wouldn’t think a thing of a nudge (or a shove haha!!)

Speaking of finances, this thread reminded me that Miami-Frost has still not answered one of my financial questions to my lawyerly satisfaction. So I just fired off an email to an admissions contact that borders on the length of an appellate brief (or at least a state court motion), complete with quotes from their web site. May have gone a bit overboard but I too want to get the info we need to decide.

I very much doubt it! In fact it might be a plus

Our S is narrowing his options and is now considering Peabody or New England Conservatory. Anyone have experience to share with either of these conservatories?

Willrogers - NEC is supposedly GREAT! Ditto with Peabody - but it depends on what your S’s major and/or instrument is??

In our experience it can take the whole month of April to get things sorted out on all fronts so yes I think patience is a good way to go

@willrogers my D is between Vanderbilt and Peabody

Going back to @dramasopranomom’s post 1623, I think most parents that send their kid off to music school after careful consideration will always get a surprise or two…or three…or four. One of the PRIMARY assumptions we made, never came true. Oops. A performance degree is a loooong haul. You just can’t predict what will happen over those 4 years. So that is why an environment where they can be “happy” no matter what is important.

Just food for thought … for anyone agonizing over picking the “right” school.

Edit: And forgot to add I’m still working on being OK with her lack of security. I think it’s a job requirement for a parent of a musician!

Just received some financial news from Miami-Frost regarding how the OOS NMF Benacquisto scholarship from State of Florida would be calculated with S18’s existing Miami scholarships. The difference in total cost of attendance for my son to attend Miami or FSU will be a lot smaller than I had thought. :slight_smile:

Congratulations, @vistajay!