The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

@vistajay wrote: Our only concern about FSU was the reputation of having a lot of voice grad students who compete for performance opportunities, but those concerns melted away after speaking to the voice teacher and current students. S18 has potential but has only been studying classical voice for less than 2 years. He does not need, or probably should not, be competing for lead opera roles right away.

Yes, yes, yes…and as a male vocalist, I bet he will get on stage…but only when he is ready. Before that the teacher/faculty will be working with him week-by-week to get ready for that opportunity. I’m sure they have a plan.

AHHHHHHH!!! @vistajay I’m so pleased for you all!! Truly truly thrilled! How amazing and fortunate for all of you to have a free fabulous education at a wonderful school! I wish we were so lucky LOL.

Thanks also for the props on the thread. It has done exactly what I had hoped it would do a year ago when I started it. Forge friendships and bonds between parents, some students and others and ultimately serve as a tool of useful information for those following in our footsteps, much like @GoForth did for me. I’m really happy that the next wave of parents and kids have picked up the torch and started a new thread logging their journey. I have learned so much along the way and every step has been eye-opening for me, especially the scholarship offers and appeals process that felt like a little known secret with varied results!

I am jealous that you are able to make your announcement and commit but I know we will be very soon behind you. Friday hopefully, clearly Monday at the latest. I sure never would have a thought one year ago that we would be right down to the wire at the end of April with all of this!


I had that feeling of being like a parent watching the next generation of journals unfold.

@vistajay a huge congrats! So fabulous!! And brag away; you’ve earned it!
And I love what you say about it being the right choice for your son…that is THE key. Each of our children is unique, the same schoolmis not going to be the right fit for everyone (thank goodness!) and they find their own place.
And I second the shout out to @SpartanDrew. This has been an amazing resource and a wonderful support network. We should try and stay in touch to support each other through the next 4 years when the new journey begins, as I am sure we will share similar challenges and concerns, and to see where everyone ends up after college!
P.S Frost has had a lot of disappointment from this group!

@vistajay Congratulations. Great choice and what a relief it is over! We are also thrilled to be about 5.5 hours dive away from our daughter. We were talking just today about being able to go to any performances she may be in and how thankful we are for that.

@BearHouse yes I am very excited about the relative proximity, as every other choice was a plane ride away. It will be nice for when he wants to come home for the weekend or I need to bring him something. And we can use our frequent flyer points visiting my drama major daughter in L.A. for her senior year events and performances.

@vistajay We are in the same boat. Youngest close. Eldest across the country. We have lived off our frequent flyer/Amex points! We are looking into a car for daughter so she can drive home. Currently, she has a VW Bug but its not trustworthy enough for So Cal freeways. But, truthfully, she is near great beaches. So I suspect we may be visiting her more than she visits us! :slight_smile:

@SpartanDrew Congratulations on your fantastic news! How exciting!

@vistajay Congratulations! What a wonderful outcome!

@BearHouse I MAY have mentioned to S18 at some point that a full ride scholarship merits a new car, so we will be car shopping this summer. I would like to get him something that he can drive for ten years. One less payment to worry about when he is a struggling musician in his 20s. Currently discussing getting a Honda Civic hatchback or maybe an HR-V. I drive a 12 year old Pilot, and I think I am as excited about buying him a new car as he is! D15 in L.A. wants a car too, but we shell out big bucks for her at USC so she is going to have to wait a bit. She can get by pretty well with Metro and Uber for now.

@vistajay…I got off easily. I said she could have a new phone… LOL!!! Having said that, she has had her permit for 2 years but hasn’t made it a priority to learn how to drive, so a car would be no use. And Vanderbilt is an 11 hour drive from us, and they can’t have cars in campus ther first year (and they are planning on having no cars on campus in the near future ) so we will be racking up points on Southwest.
And I love your new pic. Maybe we should all temporarily change our photos to the music school logo!

@NYsaxmom Love the suggestion. Done!

My d has a 2010 Honda Civic, and my son has a 2017 HR-V that I share with him. I love the style of the HR-V and that it sits higher up like an SUV. My son is a musician so it has ample room for all his gear, however, the motor is seriously underpowered and I find the seats very uncomfortable. My d’s civic is fun to drive, very comfortable, and peppy.

@BearHouse glad you like the idea! I have joined in!

Sooo, I’m popping back in after having been away for a while to report that we have a decision in NYC. April Angst lived up to its name, in that D’s decision had a little extra “what do you REALLY want to be when you grow up” head-spinning to it, maybe more than one would wish for a 17 year old, but such is life in the music world.

In the end, it all came down to fit. Fit fit fit. Northwestern/Bienen had the right recipe of great academics, great music school with wonderful voice faculty, and a teacher she clicked with who comes with high recommendations from multiple sources. Also, amazing facilities reasonably near one of the great cities in America, and the opportunity to combine music with other academic interests in probably the most flexible way of all her options, even if that doesn’t end up being a full dual degree (it probably won’t, the more she has learned about the realities of that path from talking to current students on her audition tours).

The angst was never about whether her ultimate choice would afford her great educational opportunities, but in having to turn down a bunch of other amazing schools and the unique opportunities they offered. In order to choose her best fit, she had to turn down (arguably) the most prestigious university she got in to, the most selective voice program she got into, and the biggest talent scholarship offer she got, which, to make things even harder, was at a truly WONDERFUL program, but which she felt would have involved either a 40 minute round trip commute between campuses for her non music classes, or getting lazy and staying at the music campus all the time and having a de facto stand-alone conservatory experience for undergrad, which was not her goal at the start, and still isn’t. Likewise, after attending the admitted students day at Prestigious U. and talking to a few serious voice students past and present there, she felt going there would have forced her to manage two lives at the the same time, and possibly would have involved commuting even further to keep her voice training going at the level she wants.

NU has everything she wants in one campus, which she feels will give her the best shot at doing everything she wants to do in undergrad without driving herself crazy. We’re all thrilled for her. Even though we’re “'dog” people, no hesitation in saying it: “Go Cats!”

And while I’m here- congrats on the final decision, @vistajay ! Best wishes for an amazing next four years to your son!

Also, huge thanks to all the members of the CC MM community who were so generous in taking time to share their experiences and insights along the way to us rookies.

@NYCMusicDad welcome to the Bienen family!

Congratulations @NYCMusicDad and D! Fit is huuuuuge, and I’m so glad your D found hers!

Congratulations, @NYCMusicDad!

@NYCMusicDad Congratulations! It certainly does sound like NU is a great fit for her!

Huge Congrats @NYCMusicDad!!! Northwestern is an amazing school with a beautiful campus in a gorgeous part of Chicago. You must be really thrilled.

We hope to have our news tomorrow afternoon! I’ll be very happy to update my profile pic on here as well. What fun this is seeing everyone post final decisions!!!

@NYCMusicDad Congratulations! Great choice and it does sound like a great fit for her!