The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Congrats to you and your daughter @SpartanDrew! Way to keep your positive, can do attitude all along the way.

So excited for everyone and for what’s to come now that they have found their next steps and new homes! (Anyone feel sad/guilty about declining all the other offers?! I totally remember feeling badly
the kids spend all this time convincing each school how worthy they are and how much they want to be there
and then, when the ball is finally in their court, they have to decline all but one! Of course that’s how it goes and all a part of the process and everyone involved knows it
but I totally remember the guilt my kid felt sending those I’m-going-elsewhere-after-all emails to teachers who had shown such enthusiasm!)

@YertleTurtle the only one that was difficult for us was Miami/Frost. That was a painful email to write for D and she did it Friday during all of the craziness of YoungArts week and 13+ hour days. Hubby and I were visiting New School and touring the school and dorms, speaking to admissions (and greasing the wheels for more money) and walking 7.5 miles in the city and I got an email from the head of jazz voice at Frost when we got back to the hotel, before I even had a chance to email her first. UGH. Heartbreak. Most of you probably know I really wanted to see D at Frost. It was a love fest there and the gorgeous Club Med like campus and the warm and welcoming people made it so very appealing. But sadly my college choices are long gone and this was D’s to make. I’m just thrilled that she is SO SO happy, she found where she belongs, she found her people and she found her place all with a price tag we can live with.

I know what you mean, @SpartanDrew ! So many things about Miami and Frost were wonderful. So weird that of the various posters on this thread and forum who posted about admittance to Frost, that it appears none ended up attending.

I don’t think anyone from this thread ended up there @vistajay! But we have 2 friends who’s jazz voice kids committed. We met them during auditions and have become friends. One of them was at YoungArts last week with D and she is really exceptional.

I know a piano who committed just now. We also did not commit to Frost last year - the second-place position was not attractive enough.

Congratulations to you and your D @SpartanDrew! And thanks for starting this thread
a lot of great information was shared which contributed to the successful journey of all who participated. All the best going forward.

Thank you @winjammer! My D needs to meet your kid since they will literally be college neighbors! :slight_smile:

@SpartanDrew CONGRATS to YOU and your D!!! NYC BABY!!! Such a great neighborhood (if she likes vintage clothes check out Beacon’s Closet) too – and BROADWAY shows whenever she has time! Enjoy the moment!

Happy Acceptance Day Everyone!
My D will be headed to Loyola University of New Orleans in the fall as a Popular and Commercial music major!

This certainly has been a journey full of twists and turns for us. My D has learned and grown so much during the process. Unfortunately, our final visits proved to add to the confusion rather than provide the clarity we were hoping for. After some soul searching and weighing her various options, which included some top academic programs, as well as amazing scholarship offers, she decided to go with the curriculum she thought would give her the best opportunities to succeed.

@YertleTurtle Yes! Walking away from certain acceptances absolutely added to the angst for us. The decision making process has not been easy for my D.

Thank you to everyone here who has given us advice and guidance along the way. I can’t imagine having traveled this journey alone. Congratulations and Best wishes to everyone!

@diglass: Well
 let see. You’ve got Mardi Gras, the Jazz and Heritage Festival, Gumbo, the Saints. the French Quarter Emile’s restaurants, Gambino’s 
oh and also a great music school! Congratulations!!! It’s the Big Easy
that’s about all the soul searching anyone needs. She’ll thrive.

@winjammer Thank you! She’s not a super fan of the city just yet. It’s going to have to grow on her.

great idea but I have to get him up there first. The tuition is insane. If you know of anyone who wants to buy a kidney let me know :slight_smile:

@diglass: Music is the soul of the city and if she’s into music, I think it will grow on her. The city has produced some amazing talents, Harry Connick, the Marsalis Brothers, the Neville Brothers and others. Also, she may get an opportunity to do somethings there given the uniqueness of the city she wouldn’t elsewhere. Good luck, I hope it works out.

@winjammer, I have a gut feeling it is not going to take too much time for your D to have New Orleans “grow on her.” Congratulations on a wonderful choice. I am sure she is going to love the experience.

YAYYYY and huge congrats @diglass!! Your D will be great there! I’m with @winjammer, what’s not to love? What a great city and even better University, music school, campus and people. Hubby and I were walking in NYC over the weekend and saw a giant billboard for G-Eazy and I said “He went to Loyola NOLA!”

@winjammer I get you on selling an organ lol. That’s exactly why D didn’t apply to NYU. That being said, if you get your kid there let me know. The admissions guy at New school told me when he was a student at NS he made friends with the NYU kids so he could go to their cafe with them and eat for free!! Haha! The New School meal plan is limited to say the least

@SpartanDrew Thank you!
Yes, I believe G-Easy was one of the first PopCom students at Loyola NOLA. D is well aware as she stays up to date on his girlfriend, Halsey.

@winjammer Exactly. My D is certainly hoping there will be great opportunities for her in NOLA. That would be part of why she chose this school. I’m sure she will have a great experience there.

Sorry @diglass , I meant it is not going to take too much time for your D to have New Orleans “grow on her.” Congratulations on a wonderful choice. I am sure she is going to love the experience.

Too many posters!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

@SpartanDrew Congratulations! Great choice and so glad this part of the journey is ended. Also, I will add it took quite a bit of time for me to figure out how to upload the new profile pic too!

Congratulations @diglass !

Congratulations to everyone on all the great decisions and destinations. It’s particularly impressive how thoughtful the process has been for all of you and the individualized manner in which you and your children decided on the best place for them.

@SpartanDrew, I know your daughter had many great choices, but I think New School is a terrific school for her. Very talented group of students, fantastic faculty list and great flexibility in the program. For a confident self-starter, it really offers a huge array of resources. And of course located in the heart of jazz mecca.

Happy you’ve all completed this stage of the journey and time to get excited about the next stage!