The Tours, The Journey and the Decisions moving forward

Congratulations @SpartanDrew - how exciting for you all!

D made her decision on Friday after a last minute acceptance off a waitlist and a whirlwind trip to NYC to visit the campus on Monday. But the allure of the city was not enough for her and she will be attending Ohio Northern University for a BFA in musical theatre. ONU was her first admission early in the process - late November - and I think it accounted for her amazing attitude through so many rejections (and some really nice admissions, too, but still). She was admitted (with lovely scholarships both academic and artistic) to a school she loved at the very beginning. Everything else was gravy.

I have to admit, I would prefer to visit her in NYC, but I only have positive things to say about the program and the people at ONU.

I think for my third child, I will steer her toward medicine. I canā€™t even imagine doing this a 3rd time!

So - now we get to celebrate! Proms, graduations, final performances, parties, awards. Congratulations mamas and daddies - you made it!

Is that everyone decided?? I have a feeling it is. Thank you for allowing this instrumental mom to be a part of your vocal family. Thank goodness itā€™s over. But the new chapter begins. I hope we keep this page going to help us all with the inevitable challenges we will have when they actually get to their newly chosen schools
And yes, HS is almost overā€¦ only two days of regular school left for my D. Prom was in March, so all thatā€™s left here are the spring concert, music awards banquet and graduation, which is two weeks away. Oh and of course finals.

As far as declining other programs, I occasionally found it difficult to remain neutral in this progress. For my academic child, it was easy. For my musician, not so much. Perhaps because we also visited all the programs and helped her research the programs, it was easy to form our own favorites. But we did not want our opinions to interfere with her decision. Once it became apparent her top four colleges were all instate options, money concerns were off the table. So it really became her choice. Based on the academic programs, I might have selected differently. However, as noted by a poster above, Iā€™ve already had my chance to choose a college. Now it is her time.

Congratulations everybody! Our kids are some of the most fortunate people on the planet. Not only do they get to go to college but they also get to study music!

Congrats @BassTheatreMom!!! What school was she looking at in NYC? That would have been fun to connect on some parent weekends. Looks like Iā€™ll be visiting NYC a lot over the next 4 years which is very cool.

And yes I agree with you @BearHouse. D definitely knew which school was my favorite which likely had a tiny bit of reason to push her in the opposite direction. LOL. But she knew if the finances were in line, the choice was always hers. But that decline email for her and the ā€œthank you for everythingā€ email from me to Frost was tough. I loved everything about that campus, the school, the faculty and the students. Right down to the fat and well cared for community cats roaming around the music buildings that the students fed and made little feral cat houses for. I sure will miss that placeā€¦ :-((

So time to get excited about Dā€™s new adventures in NY and the New School. The guy we spent a lot of time with in admissions is wonderful and D met a lot of faculty and students that she loved so it all looks great. Waiting for the link to sign up for housing and start the process of roommate selection. Based on the state of Dā€™s room almost every single day, I feel really sorry for her future roommate!

@SpartanDrew She was looking at CAP21 - studios downtown on Broadway - right next to the Wall Street bull. Academic clases are at Molloy on Long Island 2 days per week, and musical theatre in Manhattan 3 days. Lot of commuting and many of the students end up living in Brooklyn. It was a really cool program with may connections to the Broadway theatre scene. But D really felt her specific gaps would be filled better at ONU, and Iā€™m proud that she was so levelheaded about the decision and didnā€™t just have starry Broadway eyes. D assures me itā€™s a short four years before she is living in NY anyway, lol.

Frost was Sā€™s #2 last year and I know what you mean about that campus - after all our winter campus visits in the upper midwest and northeast, it sounds really good.

Congrats to everyone! I have been quietly watching everyoneā€™s journey. Very excited for the kiddosā€¦big things are about to happen.

Geeezzzā€¦congrats everyone - but I feel a little bit of a let down - like you do when you are binge watching a Netflix series and you reach the end of the last episode :frowning: Now - if I could just click my heels and be where you are today. But then again, itā€™s all about the journey, right? I am so grateful to all the amazing information that you have all generously shared. Itā€™s like the journey is not the big, bad, scary wolf anymore. We hope to see your talented kids in the hallway of our tours next year - and SpartanDrew, I promise I will pet one of those cats at Frost for you.

@tripletmama there is a very sweet black cat there named Bully. He is anything but a bully. He will frequently be seen on his back with various students and faculty rubbing his belly. Great people, great campus, great everything there. I have nothing but glowing reviews of that place.

For those going to NYC, my son has a friend who attended the New School for a five year BA/BM program and is now moving to Israel to do a masterā€™s in Ethnomusicology. She has a room in an apartment she shares that she would love to pass on to another female student. I think it is still available so PM me if any of you are looking for housing.

^^Piggyback on that, my daughter is subletting her room in her NYC apartment (which she shares with her sister and a former student of mine.) Sublet available June-August, dates flexible. Good, safe apartment with in-unit laundry (rare in NYC) in Hamilton Heights.This would be appropriate for a college student or grad student. Practicing within reasonable hours is okay in the unit. PM for more info.

@NYsaxmom Any chance you can say more about the woodwind (specifically clarinet) situation at Frost? Wondering if it should be on our listā€¦ Thanks!

Ahhhh D graduated on Sunday and is all registered for her classes at New School as of yesterday! So exciting! She has 15 credits currently and ALL jazz voice, theory, sight reading and piano type classes. 100% music! She is ecstatic! I had been concerned about the BFA at New School versus BM at Miami but honestly there seem to be more music classes at NS and less of what she does not want to take like math and science. Actually, she isnā€™t required to take ANY math or science so she is thrilled.

We are throwing kind of a unique grad party for her next Friday night at a cool local venue that hosts jazz nights and other music related gigs. We are doing a jazz dinner gig with her combo which combines a grad party and a senior recital into a fun evening of jazz music for friends and family. A great way to send her off to college.

She is now focused on fun stuff like dorm decor and some fun gigs she is doing locally and in LA this summer. I would love to hear from others with kids in music school to hear what their kids are doing this summer. Like @GoForth and others.

Enjoy your summer everyone!

Dorm shoppingā€¦jealous! Curriculum sounds great for your D. They really do end up at the right place!

I wish Iā€™d had a crystal ball last November to know this @bridgenail but despite everyone telling me that they do end up at the right place, I still worried and stressed and had wide eyed nights of anxiety. This journey is not for the faint of heart thatā€™s for sure. But honestly, at the end of all of this, D really feels the perfect fit at TNS. She has all the ā€œfeelsā€ from faculty and admissions and is so excited about being in the hub of the west village of NYC. It all worked out.

Funny anecdote, her room here at home is all decked out in NYC murals and decor and has been for a couple of years. Our backyard is what we call our ā€œZen Gardenā€ with waterfall, garden pond with koi, all kinds of greenery and nature around us. So her dorm decor plans are ā€œurban gardeningā€ and bringing a lot of plant life and greenery into her dorm room. Too funny. She brought the city to her suburban bedroom and now sheā€™s bringing the suburbs to her urban room lol.

Iā€™m just curious for all those who have kids who are now settled on their college choice: thinking back to their first visit to that college-did they seem to know right away? Was there a warm feeling or connection right away compared to other school visits? Did you as parents get that gut feeling that it might be THE school or at least thought would be in the Top 3? Basically was it love at first sight or did it take lots of reaching out from the school itself to ā€œsell itselfā€ to your child? Any students have a complete evolution where they werenā€™t wowed at first but changed their impressions in a positive way over time? Since you are all done with the crazy process (at least for now if you have younger children) and might actually have some time on your hands, I figured you might want to entertain the newbies with your reflections

: )

Congrats @SpartanDrew! My D graduated last Friday. She is so happy to put HS behind her. Your Dā€™s schedule at TNS sounds amazing. My D received a tentative schedule yesterday as well. She will have all music classes except one honors symposium and one freshman seminar type thing. She was thrilled with this!

Just finished booking reservations for D to attend Grammy Camp LA. She is so excited for this opportunity!

Hereā€™s to all the graduates and moving forward on this journey!

Congrats @SpartanDrew & @diglass! They both sound very happy with their classes. Iā€™m sure they will both do a fabulous job and really enjoy their Freshman year!

@AmyIzzy, Iā€™ll bite. My D is a vocal performance college rising sophomore. During her HS rising senior summer, D went to the Oberlin vocal academy. We thought it was a good idea for her to enroll so she could sharpen her songs for the college audition season. We live overseas so she arrived early based on her flight schedule. She toured the deserted campus with the resident counselor. The next morning, my wife and I video chatted with her. When asked if she liked the school, she said it was kind of neat but that she did not see herself spending the next four years at Oberlin. The program is only a week but while days passed by, meeting peers, faculty and her assigned teacher, she changed her mind. Her teacher was telling her the right things at the right time and she felt very flattered. My wife and I flew to attend the program recital and to pick her up. During our visit D assured us that Oberlin was the place for her. I was still skeptic on everything that was going on thinking after the heavy recruiting will she be able to handle it after the honeymoon period is over?, too far from home?, academic reach?, first class talent competition?, money?, rural Ohio?

The next day after the end of program recital we decided to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame museum in Cleveland to spend the day. Later on we drove back to the hotel in Elyria to freshen up and have an early dinner at the restaurant next to the hotel, Cracker Barrel, before flying back home the next day early in the morning. We are having an ordinary dinner with our D and speaking our most comfortable language, Spanish. Halfway through our dinner, a gentleman, my guess in his fifties, stood up from a neighboring table and directed his attention to us while the rest of his dinner party left the place. He politely asked us if we spoke English. After we all answered yes while confused (at the moment I had no idea where this was going or his intent) he started talking about himself and trying to validate his knowledge in music.

He said he worked in the music business for thirty years and had a vast knowledge in talent and music. He mentioned he specifically worked with three musicians inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame (no names mentioned). The conversation is only one way, we have not said a word and my head is spinning ā€œwhy is he telling me all of this?ā€ I look at my D and I see that she is wearing an Oberlin sweatshirt so Iā€™m wondering, is this is what he is getting into? Even though he is talking about a completely different genre is he sales pitching Oberlin? Then after he finishes validating himself, he finally says, ā€œI just want you to know that I know music and talent and want to say that your daughter sings like an angel, thatā€™s all.ā€ We all joyfully thanked him for his compliment while confused (where did he listened my D sing?) he smiled and left before I was able to react in inviting him for dessert or even asking his name.

ā€œWere you singing at the dinner table againā€ I asked my D. She did not remember doing it. My wife did not remember her singing at the table. Neither did I. She could have been singing, she always does, everywhere, anywhere. She sings home, in the bathroom, in the car, at dinner. I guess we sometimes take it for granted and donā€™t even remember her doing it. This gentleman took notice and gave her a wonderful compliment. At that moment my wife and I agreed on one thing, maybe Oberlin in rural Ohio is not a bad place for our D to spend the next four years of her life and gave D our blessing for applying to the school and have it as her first choice.

Thankfully Oberlin came through with an acceptance and a generous financial aid package. Little do they know that a complete stranger we met in Elyria Ohio and his wonderful gesture and compliment placed the drop that tilted the balance to their side.

Wow @coloraturadad! What an incredible story! Clearly, it was meant to be for her to go to Oberlin! I thought you were going to say that man was one of those ā€œbackwardsā€ people who was being nasty about you speaking Spanish and that you decided Ohio wasnā€™t the place for her because it wasnā€™t open to other cultures. How happily wrong I was! ! I LOVE how this one ended! Did she look at other colleges after that or just focus on that one because she knew it was perfect for her? How many schools did she apply to or audition at? Thank you so much for sharing that!

@AmyIzzy My daughter knew right away where she wanted to attend but dutifully went to other auditions even after learning of her admission. I wanted her to fully appreciate her options. However, as soon as she walked out of her UCI audition she stated ā€œthis is the place.ā€ Ironically, it was a school I had to convince her to apply.