The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I'm done!!
If I finish my homework early I might sort it into sections.</p>

<p>The Utimate Supply List for Boarding School.</p>

-Lots of sticky notes
-A cushy chair
-Book case
-Refrigerator/Electric cooler
-Under-bed storage
-Full-length mirror
-Shower tote
-Bath slippers/shower shoes
-Over the door hook for towels etc...
-Things to soften your bed (i.e. tempurpedic cover)
-Swifters and small hand held vacs
-Microwave popcorn
-Pop tarts
-Flavored water
-A lot of clean underwear
-Headphones/stereo/MP3 player
-Running shoes
-Pictures of your friends, family, posters
-Pens, pencils, stationary supplies
-Bike and lock
-Cell phone
-Plastic storage drawers
-Trash can
-Lots of hangers
-Seat cushion, extra pillows
-Paper clips
-Thumb tacks
-Chargers for iPod, cell phone, camera etc...
-Printer and refill cartridges
-Candy "Bring candy when you first come and everyone will be all over you like a cheap suit."
-Adhesive goo for posters, etc..
-Dry-erase board
-Quarters for laundry
-Earplugs or noise canceling headphones
-Extra long sheets
-Extension cords, surge protectors etc..
-Ethernet/phone cords
-Long lasting food- Microwavable meals, frozen pasta, ramen, crackers, canned fruit etc...
-Non refrigerated food- granola, fruit, nuts, chex mix, pretzels, etc...
-Rubber wellies
-Funky apparel for traditions (bright colors, weird patterns, American Apparel lame)
-Desk lamp
-Favorite books
-Cell-phone company wireless connector for internet access
-Stick on wall hooks
-Water bottles
-Shoe rack or tree
-Locks for lockers (where applicable)
-Bed risers
-Beach towel
-Extra lamps
-Snow boots (bean boots or similar)
-Nail clippers
-Gum "Gum is a must have. Lots and lots of it. And everyone will love it if you have gum because everyone always wants it, so its good for forging those first ties for friendship in your dorm and in random places on campus"
-Extra toothpaste
-Disinfectant spray/bleach
-Lint brush/delinter
-Wrapping paper and bows
-Shoeboxes (for projects)
-Stain remover
-Extra computer battery
-Tea bags/hot cocoa mix
-Calendar (wall, whiteboard or desk calendar)
-Duct tape " for quick fixes. stuff that may fall apart during the year, taping electrical cords together, taping storage boxes, etc. It's one of those items that belongs in a 'first aid for anything' kit."
-Paperwork (passport, birth certificate, eyeglass prescription, group membership cards, passport photos, CPR certification card, insurance info, for students from farther way)
-Web cam (if not included, for talking with parents)
-Stuffed animals
-Jump/thumb drives
-Sewing kit
-Playing cards
-Extra socks


<p>bowlofchili, i love you.</p>

<p>I love bowlofchili too! Let's start a fan club.</p>

<p>Lol, thanks you guys. :cool:</p>

<p>Just to add to the total confusion of the list, here are some links to other threads on CC about what to take to college. Granted -- not everything will apply, but there is quite a bit on these lists that will apply. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Unfortunately -- these are huge, multiple paged threads -- but some good info!</p>

<p>My daughter has a framed "man of la mancha" painting. Can you put nail hooks in the wall?</p>

<p>Also, my daughter added something to bowlofchilli's list: her own platinum card! :)</p>

<p>Try these: Find</a> Adhesive Picture Hangers and other Picture Hanging at Aubuchon Hardware</p>

<p>I'm going to get a few and bring some of my framed things.</p>

<p>The problem with those is that they only take 5 lbs. Most framed paintings weigh more than that?</p>

<p>And, don't they pull off paint, etc more than a small nail hole?</p>

<p>Today I got a manipedi and I was reading a magazine, some sort of organizing magazine and there was an ad for these panoramic borders for dorms. I can't find them online, but they were city panoramas, like Sicily, Paris etc..</p>

<p>It says that they don't...but maybe they do. </p>

<p>Bowlofchilli, that sounds awesome!</p>

<p>I was tongue in cheek earlier, but I got daughter two credit cards. One is a prepaid card from USAA where I can put her allowance on it. She can use it for clothes, books, ATM. Think it is easier than a checking account or cash.</p>

<p>I will probably get grief for this one, but I also got her an American Express card for emergencies. I figure that if I can trust her to go away to school, I should trust her not to use it except for my definitions of an emergency (ie, NOT it was their last pair of xxx shoes and I had to have them)</p>


<p>Princess'Dad -- If you haven't already, you should talk to her school about their debit card. I think most schools use this system for purchases, charges, food at the grill, allowances, etc.</p>

<p>I'll describe what they have at Blair because that is what I know. I think it is typical. Before the school year starts, I put some money into his account. This account is used for all schools charges (except tuition, private music lessons, etc.) including cash withdrawals. If I remember correctly, they are divided into 4 categories, and I can restrict the amount used per month for each category. Every month I receive a detailed accounting of how the money was spent. I can add to the account if needed. Anyway, you probably have a similar system, and may want to use it.</p>

<p>My son has the school debit card, and it is good that he can review how he spends the money down to each cherry coke. He also has another debit card that is tied to his allowance and savings. </p>

<p>If there is more discussion on this topic, it's a good idea to start a new thread because it is a little off topic, and this thread is a monster.</p>

<p>what the heck is caffeinated soap???</p>

<p>Exactly what it sounds like, pomegranate. It's soap that contains caffein and when you use it, it stimulates and wakes you up a bit more than normal soap.</p>

<p>The USAA prepaid credit card is a great thing. Can be used at ATMs as well. If your child ever needs more money e.g. an emergency you can add funds online and they have instant access to it.</p>

<p>thx, bowlofchili. wow. of all things that could be caffeinated...</p>

<p>i dont understand the point of caffeinated soap...
whay dont you just you the caffine it took to make it and make extra caffinated juice or something?

<p>With just about 2 months to go until the start of many schools, we all better get shopping. So, I thought that I would give this thread a "bump" to bring it closer to the first page.</p>

<p>I like shopping but this is going to be too much!</p>

<p>Same here AGS. So far I have purchased a luggage set and two pairs of dress pants for my kid. Living in Calif. and sending her to New England, I have no clue what she needs or where to buy it. I think we're just going to wing it for awhile until she gets things figured out for herself and then I will just send money and let her do the shopping.</p>