The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I just read through the last 2 pages of this thread (480+ posts is more than I can focus on and absorb just now; you guys are very impressive!), and I wanted to add a bit of perspective to the list that bowlofchili (so kindly) put together:</p>

<p>It might be a guy/girl thing, but having seen many boys' dorm rooms over the last 4 years, it seems to me that more of them go for the monastic cell look or the dumpster look, rather than the homey look. My boys have favored the monastic cell format: cold blue lighting from the overhead lamp, bare linoleum floors, a bed, a bureau, a desk, a chair, oh, and a frig (of course!). I kept trying to warm things up in their rooms, making sure they had posters about stuff they liked, and side lamps, comfy chairs, rugs, even curtains and almost everything I sent ended up in closets or under beds gathering huge amounts of dust. The only homey touches that were ever employed were a set of curtains to block the beams from a 2,000,000 lumens security light positioned outside SmilePup1's dorm window one year, a rug that SmilePup2 used for doing crunches and push ups which was promptly rolled up and stowed back in the closet when he was done, and of course the cushy bed pads which make sleeping on those rather too monastic beds more tolerable. And glancing into some other guys' rooms, it seemed like pretty much the same thing.</p>

<p>So, for the parents of boys heading off to school this fall, I would suggest not getting too worked up about the room decorations and touches of home. Focus on the practical stuff and they'll probably be thoroughly satisfied. If not, there will be time later in the fall to add whatever they deem necessary.</p>

<p>Dumpster look for my son (and all of the rooms I saw in his dorm!) He did have a soccer poster as well as a poster of his sister's team.</p>

<p>for girls if you want good bedding kits, click on destination dorm, then under bedding click on bedding kits. the first four are perfect for dorms. its only $100 for everything, including decorative pillows, a rug, and 2 bath towels. the store also has more great stuff in their dorm section.</p>

<p>sorry on Linens</a> 'n Things 41... 20...</p>

<p>smile dog - do they have those padded things for the mattresses in extra long - or did your pups use regular size?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>i was wondering the same thing photoOp...
i asked my sponsor where to find twin xl sheets that arent, well, gross,
and she said that twin sheets fit fine...
but i kind of question that and i think im going to search for twin xl sheets anyway because i would hate to buy twin sheets and get to school only to find out that the sheets are too small</p>

<p>thank you for the link, soccerlife</p>

<p>I got my twin xl at Bed Bath and Beyond....there were plenty to choose from.</p>

<p>PhotoOp and _ballerinamazing:</p>

<p>Good question! I'm pretty sure they were just regular size pads (actually I think they're called bed toppers or feather beds or something), but because they were the kind that just sit on top of the mattress and were anchored in place with extra long sheets and the regular kind of mattress pads, they worked fine and didn't shift too much.</p>

<p>Smile dog- dumpster look LOL! I have one of those boys...</p>

<p>ok this one needs to stay alive.......i would print it but there is all that stuf in the middle about disney........keep alive please for new students this fall!!!!!

<p>hey does anyone have a long list of every thing could possibly need..if u do i would love it it if u could post it

<p>Check out post #461 on page 31.</p>


<p>I don't know how the bathroom in BS looks like, do we need a toiletry bag / basket for all the shampoo, gel, toothbrush .......?</p>

<p>i would think it would help but idk...</p>

<p>i think so, and sometimes they have little cubby things in the bathroom to keep your stuff in.</p>

<p>My son says not to have a shower caddy if you are a guy. Not cool.</p>

<p>for backpacks, what kind do most people have? because i know at my current school, people liked those really oversized shoulder bags with cool designs on them. so what do they usually use in boarding school? (specifically andover!)</p>

<p>same ?..but at choate</p>