The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I have a pair of Ugg boots and Ugg clogs from previous years and I got a pair of Ugg crocheted boots on sale from Nordstroms $40 dollars off on their Anniversary Sale.</p>

<p>i got the tall ones lol....</p>

<p>Thanks for your replies - you guys are too funny. I think I will take the advice to wait until she gets there as she will never ever believe me that kids wear those big boots. It's strictly flip-flops or flats with no socks year round here in dry Calif. Thanks again.</p>

<p>no prob...wellies r the bomb with cute jeans lol.....very preppy:)</p>

<p>uggs r so warm. perfect for new england. just make sure u water-proof them. i hv pastel colored uggs i got at marshall's and then a tan pair.</p>

<p>FRISBEE: Perfect to just talk and chill with a friend across the field and it can bring you together with people(I have never been in boarding school but I have done summer studies)
I also liked the fact I brought crystal light... NC water was pretty hard(Calcium heavy)</p>

<p>Bring a few interesting things(An iHome is a hit if you are a music person), A bean bag is a good choice aswell and I loved that my collections of cologne and axe turned into a big center of interest when girls said I smelled good. I would recomend bringing a few funny hats, I am a big political t-shirt guy and I brought alot of chill band and political shirts... ALL WERE IN GOOD TASTE.</p>

<p>Mainly a guy's list.</p>

<p>i got the short uggs...
i like them better,

<p>lol i was about to respond to the short uggs comment when i notice an add abover for uggs ROFL lol but i had short ones before but i wore them so much then got a hole in i know bad really bad...these r staying in the box like till thanksgiving break lol....well maybe earlier than that</p>

<p>i havent taken mine out of the box either lol
i dont know if i can wait until thanksgiving,
but when it starts getting cold,
im taking them out</p>

<p>I LOVE UGGS! I got 3 pairs, 2 short (Brown and White) and 1 tall (Black).
I have them in the box too! Cant wait to take them out!</p>

i thought you werent into that anymore?</p>

<p>am i the only one bringing a desktop computer?
after tuition we have no money left over for a new laptop, and i'm a bit embarased.</p>

<p>You'll be fine, Dazzlezzz...</p>

<p>...lacking only the portability should you want to compose a paper while sitting on a patio or use any special software you have to present a project in class. You'll have access to computers in the library and in classrooms, so few students -- even with laptops -- have any need for portability. The biggest hassle will come when you go home for a long weekend or extended break and don't have access at home to your computer -- or the data that you stored on it. </p>

<p>If you have a computer at home that you can use, then I recommend that you back up that computer and your school computer on-line -- so that they can each access the other's back-up files. A cheap, safe and reliable back-up solution is Jungle</a> Disk which is $20 software that enables you to back up your data files (and more if you feel the need to back up more) to Amazon's secure A3 servers. The cost is basically 15 cents per gigabyte stored per month.</p>

<p>When at home, accessing the critical files you have stored on the desktop sitting in your dorm room is as easy as retrieving them from the J: drive of your home computer (provided, of course, that you backed up your files at school). It will be just like they are on your home computer's hard drive.</p>

<p>And, from the other direction, while at school, you'll be able to pull up data that is backed up from your home computer. That's probably the biggest concern -- so I used a separate encryption key for data that was not needed by my son at boarding school. This gave him access to all of our music files. </p>

<p>But, in terms of the cost of what you'll need to store on your school computer, the Amazon A3 storage cost will be about $21.00 for the first school year (counting the $20 JungleDisk download cost) and just $1.00 per year after that for the privilege of being able to get to your school desktop files when you're back at home.</p>

<p>EDIT/NOTE TO EVERYONE: My son had a laptop and I recommend on-line back-up regardless of whether you're using a laptop or desktop. In fact, laptop users will want to have a back-up solution that gives them access to their school work in the event that their highly portable laptop should ever "walk away" on them. And my son only brought his laptop home on the longest breaks because all his laptop data was available to him on our home PC (had he ever been inclined to do schoolwork while at home, that is). So, Dazzlezzz, as a practical matter he basically used his laptop as though it was a desktop. Not to worry.</p>

<p>urgh... uggs are alright in the winter, but why do people wear them in the summer??? i know a girl who has uggs TAN LINES!</p>

<p>tan lines? that's a little odd. i think they'd be hot. im strictly a flip flop girl in the summer. my crocs don't even come out again until fall.</p>

<p>on the uggs box it says that they keep your feet at body temperature or something all year long,
but i think uggs in the summer would look a little odd...</p>

<p>Will my daughter need a stapler? Ruler? Pencil sharpener? </p>


<p>PhotoOp: My basic approach in preparing the Pups for the first move-in was to duplicate what they had at home in terms of desk, bed, and clothing setups. So whatever your D uses at home at her desk, she'll probably want to have with her at BS. All the basics (like stapler, tape, pencil sharpener, etc.) will be available at the school's bookstore, but there's nothing wrong with packing those things for the first move, especially if you're like me and will be able to work off a bit of anxiety by over-preparing! :)</p>

<p>I'm bumping this up!</p>

<p>ha i just thought of something, even though you don't really need it (if someone said this before, i apologize XD 38 is a lot of pages)</p>

<p>bringgg videos on your laptop, lots of wonderful classic movies like Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast XD you could have a bonding experience with your roomie discussing how totally unfair it is that aladdin gets a genie but you don't :D</p>

<p>i've done that with my summer camp roommate while we were watching stuff on my ipod. it was amazing how many inside jokes we created in five minutes</p>