The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>I know. They call it vandalizing....
Him and his friends. I know.
Im going to wake up in the middle of the night to the hissing sound of a dumb can. ROFL</p>

<p>Hi, can you buy all your school supplies like the ti-89 calculator and binders at the exeter bookstore?</p>

<p>but they are more expensive at bookstore.</p>

<p>Just go to the mall or town Walgreens. I'm pretty sure the town is like a 10 min or less walk away... and walgreens will be hella less expensive</p>

<p>During this time of year most places like Office Max, Office Depot, or Staples have discounts on items like that.</p>

<p>bump bump bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>is anyone else bringing like,
a yoga mat?</p>

<p>i am because im a big stretcher and i dont really just want to stretch on the floor,
so im bringing the mat i bought for pilates</p>

<p>Im not walking with you on campus the first day.

<p>well first 40 pages woot woot!!</p>

<p>Ang i'm just bringing a really big fuzzy rug. to stretch out on, but Now that you mention it, a yoga mat sounds really nice!</p>

<p>so at exeter, bean bags rnt allowed? i read that n the ebook, but i wanted 2 verify.</p>

<p>im shipping it smarty!</p>

<p>bump.. this has been so useful</p>

<p>ya, no bean bags (but i know people who brought them anyways...).
Just be careful, because it could get confiscated if found</p>

<p>vaseline, tide stain remover pens, doorstop to hold the door open, items for halloween costumes :)</p>

<p>cecil- what do you use vaseline for?</p>

<p>items for halloween costumes? do go trick or treating in ur dorm or what?</p>

<p>vaseline? hahahaha
I know i wasn't the only one thinking of
Cough Ballerina Cough

<p>what is vaseline for?</p>

<p>Dont act dumb Ballerina.
If I have to call you and tell you Im going to avoid you the first day. lol
Google Vaseline and read about it on wikipedia. ROFL</p>

<p>I forgot my password for my iphone lol
And it took me like 3 tries lol.</p>