The Ultimate Supply List for Boarding School

<p>nice biggestfoot, i'll check up on that!!
Hello Sirius!</p>

<p>I have yahoo
wanna pm me too?

<p>bumpity bump bump!

<p>I don't think the wireless connectors are a good idea....esp. not for freshman. The internet goes off for a is lights out. They will check...and you will get a restriction (or whatever the penalty is called at your school).</p>

<p>As for those wireless connectors: I would suspect they are not allowed....even if technically not banned, it seems that they would violate the spirit of the honor code. Also, you have to pay for extra service on a cell phone plan for them to work. If your parents pay for the plan, are you going to ask for them to pay for something that they know is not generally supposed to be okay? Not a good way to earn the trust of your parents as you go away to school........Just some thoughts from someone over 40.</p>

<p>That's what I thought.</p>

<p>My sister had one at SP. No problem. She uses hers primarily for homework. She takes naps alot during the day during breaks and does her work at night. They are apparently NOT against the honor code and our Dad paid for it. I guess he trusts us.</p>

<p>But...isn't there a "lights out"/no more internet time? Of course there is for my son as a freshman, but I remember when his older brother was at the school, they need special permission for "late lights".</p>

<p>im pretty sure they will let you have one as long as you dont stay up until 12 every night.</p>

<p>as far as the permission im sure that is pretty easy to get</p>

<p>I was wondering that too!</p>

<p>hm.. This discussion made me want to hop out and get everything! :)</p>

<p>great ideas!</p>

<p>At Exeter, they turn the internet off at 11:00 at night (I went last July to the summer program.) but, if you have internet files open, they won't close or anything, and will function properly. You just can't open a new internet file. Also, teacher's computers don't loose internet access, so if you really need to, ask your nicest dorm head, and he/she may let you use his/her computer for some quick research.</p>



<p>I'm new to this board what exactly does bump mean?</p>

<p>Welcome aboard! :)
We bump, because sometimes threads get "buried" and fall to page two or three if the forum, people like to "bump" them back up to page 1, so they're easier to find.</p>

<p>I heard that at alot of schools you cannot have a refrig in your room UNLESS you get your doc to write you some acne cream that needs to be kept cold.</p>

<p>'Bump' is basically doing just what it says-it 'bumps' this thread to the top of the list, so it will be one of the first that you see when you log in because everytime someone posts a reply to a thread, that thread is sent to the top of the list, or the front if you'd like to call it. So people just type 'bump' to keep it up there for someone to actually to reply to it.</p>

<p>ohhh that's awesome to know! Thanks sball12! I'm actaully making a supplies list now!</p>