The Wait List

How does one have legacy at 3 schools?

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Family attended 3 of those schools

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We had to reach out to all schools to find out WL status. We finally heard from MX but no official notice from others we applied to except for personal replies that said basically no space sorry (Brooks and SG).

I think considered legacy is typically parents or siblings, which is totally possible, is that your case? Unfortunately, most schools will not outright reject a legacy applicant so it’s hard to say where one truly stands.

Siblings at one, but others called ahead of M10 to let us know WL because we were 1st cousin legacy (many cousins attended), so I assume they consider us legacy

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I am curious about that conversation. We experienced something similar with our athlete. It is our understanding the call was a fishing expedition and if we had expressed commitment we might have seen different results. They were correct. We were unlikely to have landed there.

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Last year my son (heavily recruited athlete) was waitlisted at 2 schools (Brooks and MX) and we did not get a call from either coach ahead of M10 to let us know. The MX coaches in particular were in pretty much constant contact with us (even during the supposed “quiet period” leading up to M10), so hearing that other coaches reached out with the WL decision in advance of M10 is vey interesting.

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Did ur son end up getting accepted from any of the waitlists?

No. He did receive one acceptance (in addition to the WL) so he is there.

It was not as direct as that, but all agree that is what it was. (Maybe also because we were not in constant contact?) There might have been some pretty strong indicators that we were leaning elsewhere.

Where did he go instead?

We also live in California, but we have only lived here for two years, as we moved here from Connecticut in Summer 2019.

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Same here. I got waitlisted at 3 schools and they didn’t reach out earlier, nor did coaches at the 3 schools that accepted me. However I did get congratulation letters from coaches at some schools.

My son got congratulations emails from the coaches at the school that accepted him. While a nice touch, it was his only option so he had no choice but to go there. Luckily he loves it, and he made varsity in both sports (football and lax) so all worked out in the end. I hope you are loving your school, as well!


We did not hear anything from Blair either.

Thanks for replying.

Hello, has anyone heard from
Milton regarding the wait list for day applicants? Thank you

It is definitely a nice touch. I start at Exeter next year, very excited!


We haven’t heard anything from Milton (boarding).

Deerfield has an updated waitlist response form at least for me.