The Wait List

WL movement before A10 usually involves recruited athletes - coaches managing their recruitment spots and sport-specific WL.


I am sure that you are for the most part correct. I am also sure that, in our case, athletics had nothing to do with my child coming off of the wait list. My kid is the one still trying to figure out what they will potentially do in lieu of sports in certain seasons!

Congrats by the way. When we got the call it was a lot of pressure on a kid to make a decision so fast!

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I don’t remember seeing wl movement this early last year. What happened this year? Schools grossly overestimated their yields? Students are bailing out after admission or revisit? CC users have better luck this year?

This early? A10 is tomorrow. Schools would like to be fully enrolled A10. That’s why the very short decision times for those who are offered spots off WL. One school we are WL told me yesterday that this year is moving more slowly than others (which if you ask me has something to do with the massive amount of WL’d kids


This timing is pretty typical. At this point, many schools have gotten enough firm responses - yes and no - that they know if they still have seats to fill.


It seems like a few schools are going to their waitlists now. Anyone have any insights on which ones?


NMH and Mercesburg, I heard from some of my friends


I know two who were moved off the waitlist at Middlesex this week.


Do schools like Andover and Exeter reach out before or after April 10 to waitlist students

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I don’t know, but I hope good news is coming for you guys!!!

Since today is April 10, there should be an email going out later today from most schools. I know that St. Mark’s already sent a “full” email yesterday. Since there hasn’t been an email from Andover/Exeter, there should still be spots open, so they’re probably reaching out and considering these few days. If you don’t get any messages, you could ask (if you want lol) or just keep waiting for a slim chance until August.
Anyways, good luck to you and anyone else hoping for waitlist admissions! (including me lmao)

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Unlikely, since it’s Sunday. And any email sent today/tomorrow will likely be bad news.

The first emails to go out now will likely be those saying the class is full and the wait-list is closed. For those schools looking to pull from the waitlist, they will need time to analyze institutional need.

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Admissions offices are working today.


Will they notify you immediately when all the spots are filled?

And until then there are still spots open?

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Exeter has sent their full email.


I think it varies by school. With 4 WLs, we heard directly from one that they are full, have heard secondhand that another is full (and has been for about a week) with no communication from the school, and the other two we’ve had no update first or secondhand. The clear communication when schools have reached their enrollment goals is incredibly helpful.


institutional need?

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I would guess any school that is full will let applicants know today. In our waitlist letter from Taft, they said they would send an email out by noon (I think?) today, letting waitlisted applicants know if they were fully enrolled or not. That way students with other options could commit by tonight’s deadline. Kiddo2 was on two waitlists, but removed himself from one right off the bat, and removed himself from the second last week. The response from the second school’s AO suggested there would be no WL movement, but I don’t know if that meant no movement for Kiddo2, or no movement at all.