<p>Right, so I'm basically looking for a (business) school that's good, but perhaps not Ivy League. Somethink along the lines of Big Ten, and slightly downwards as well as upwards.</p>
<p>It's important for me to have an atmosphere that is not dogmatic, where the financial theores are important but not unquestioned and slaved after. Basically I look for a mix between theory and reality, as well as a tradition of sound critical thinking. This might sound obvious, but from what I've heard it seems not. A school like Chicago is renowned for it's free-market (fundametalism) bias. I'm not advocating a socialized economy, but more of a sound perspective that e.g. Warren Buffett might have as opposed to the founders of LTCM.</p>
<p>I also would like if the social scene was calm, but not boring. Places like Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison seems rife with alcoholism to name one issue.</p>
<p>Anyone got any ideas to share?</p>