<p>I’m interested in auditioning for Tisch and have been doing theatre since I was a little kid. I’ve taken private voice lessons for 4 years and acting classes for about 3 years and have been in children’s theatre and high school productions. I guess when I got into high school, I had to choose between doing really good, mainstage productions at a local professional theatre and doing music/theatre at my high school, and I chose to do as much as I could at school. I feel like now, while I’ve gotten great singing experience, I lack a lot of really good acting experience. When you audition for Tisch, how important is your previous acting experience/work? Will they look down on someone who is very passionate about theatre and eager to learn if they don’t have a packed resume?</p>
<p>broadwaybound7 - although your resume will definitely be read, your actual audition will be much more important (along with your academic qualifications). From your message, I can’t tell when you are applying, but I would recommend that you make sure to be well prepared with your audition material, so you can really show off your talents. At auditions you will come across people with no experience, with professional credits, and with everything in between. At the end of the day, it is all about what impression you make on the adjudicators the day of your audition. Good luck!</p>
<p>Just to clarify, I’m currently a junior.</p>
<p>Thank you very much for your advice! I definitely plan on preparing rigorously!</p>