Themes in the History of Medicine

<p>Has anyone here taken this GE? I'm an incoming freshman and I wanted a GE that sounded interesting, which this one does, but at the same time I don't want my GPA decimated the first quarter I'm here. Any input?</p>

<p>I haven’t taken it, but I know someone who has. He said it was very interesting but extremely hard. Did you look up the reviews of the professor on Bruinwalk?</p>

<p>I did, but it seems to vary from “I put in the bare minimum and got a B+” to “I worked my ass off and barely managed a B”. It really seems like the only people who reviewed him either LOVED him or HATED the class. Seeing as this is a GE, I’d rather not take it if it really is nigh impossible to do well.</p>

<p>Well, how would you define “well.” If in your opinion well is a B then I’m sure it’s possible. If your opinion of well is an A based on the reviews it may be harder. Sometimes I am a bit skeptical of bruinwalk reviews but most of the time they are pretty accurate. I prefer to look at the grade distribution but since they don’t have one for Frank, you only have the reviews to work with. What are your other options? If you have better options, I would chose something else</p>