<p>My course schedule actually worked out this year. It took me 6 months of planning (because they kept changing everything), 3 1/2 hours of college registration yesterday, a favor with both the Chemistry department and the registrar... but it worked! Of course, for all that I get to pay $400 for two books, but still!</p>
<p>Junior Year</p>
<p>Summer: Earth/Environmental Science Honors, English III Honors</p>
<p>1st Semester</p>
<p>AP English Literature (Online) 1st Period
MAT 271: Calculus I (M,T,W,Th,F) 2nd Period
Biology Honors 3rd Period
AP United States History (Online) 4th Period
CHM 151: General Chemistry I (M, W) 6:00-8:50 </p>
<p>2nd Semester</p>
<p>AP English Literature (Online)
AP United States History (Online)
CHM 152: General Chemistry II
Civics and Economics Honors 4th Period
MAT 272: Calculus II</p>
<p>Anyone else have epic scheduling problems that got resolved (or didn't get resolved)?</p>
<p>Oh, and so some one actually responds to this, what is/was/will be your Junior Schedule?</p>
<p>My school starts on Friday so it’s perfect, everything together just in time and I don’t have weeks to sit here and worry about it. Good luck with AP Latin… after this year I’m done with APs.</p>
<p>I had problems with fitting in my two sciences and latin 3, and eventually I chose to take the two sciences and take latin 3 over the summer. My new schedule is</p>
<p>Advanced Pre-Calc
AP English Lang
AP Chem
Advanced Physics
AP Java (AP Comp Sci AB)</p>
<p>There are enough threads for that. Besides I don’t think I have that much to brag about, I’m only taking the equivalent of 4 APs which many people here own to pieces… I just thought it would be strange to post a thread about getting my schedule and then not tell you what it is.</p>
<p>Reasons for creating this thread:</p>
<li>Really frustrated with 6 months of planning, 3 1/2 hours at orientation, and $500 in books</li>
<li>Wanted to share my relief</li>
<li>Wanted to know there were other people with similar problems</li>
<li>Wanted to know other Juniors’ schedules (again lol)</li>
<li>Proud of my class schedule which I kind of see as a “product” of mine
N: Wanted to be called ostentatious
N+1: Wanted to Convert you to Christianity (Any luck?)</li>