<p>I am planning to bring my iPod, Speakers, and Computer (as well as a few other valuables) with me to Boarding School and I wanted to know how high the risk of valuables being stolen is.</p>
<p>Well, there is the risk. I am sure things can get stolen at your local school. It is a risk that I am willing to take… Needless to say you should not leave your expensive computer in the middle of commons…</p>
<p>I’d say the risk of having your electronics stolen is slim. My child’s BS has dorm rooms without locks and theft doesn’t seem to be an issue. Food in the dorm firdge, maybe. I wouldn’t tempt anyone by leaving cash lying around your room, though.</p>
<p>Oh I’m a culprit of fridge food stealing. It was my new years resolution to stop.</p>
<p>Do you already attend a BS, principal?</p>
<p>Also, people steal umbrellas if it rains. It always happens. So bring a big ugly embarassing umbrella. They go for the small ones hidden far away from the owner.</p>
<p>Ha ha, my daughter’s umbrella has been the only thing “stolen” so far.</p>
<p>My son’s money was stolen out of his wallet which was sitting out on his dresser (I noticed that both of his roommates left their wallets sitting out when I visited during parent weekend). He also recently confessed that someone stole his nice warm jacket. I’m sure other things have gone missing as well although I don’t know as he has not fessed up to me about anything else.</p>