Things heard on my visit yesterday:
- I wouldn't let you buy that for me dad. It's a lot of money, and you do so much for me already.
- At this school, I've learned that everything I say is valid, but that I can't learn anything when I'm speaking. Therefore I need to really listen.
- I like being organized. With some help, I've created a color-coded calendar which keeps me organized as far as which assignments are due when.
What have you done with my son?!?!
(Oh, and the biggest thing I heard:
- I feel like I've been here forever. I belong here. I'm home.)
Sounds like good parenting to me. 
You’ve raised a good egg. Glad things are off to such a good start. As parents, we breathe a little deeper and sleep a little better knowing our children are happy and thriving. I do think BS can strengthen parent/chi;d relationships as long as effort is made to keep the communication flowing. It takes away all the day to day nagging and allows the relationship to be focused on more meaningful interactions, at least in my experience.
Yes. Such a relief. Priceless.
As far as the relationship changing, we are already experiencing that. Confident that he is in a good place, I can switch from the detail and daily “nag” into a more global, nurturing role. Focused more on support and providing encouragement and resources. It’s so much more fun - I feel I can be sillier and less serious. More gifts. So grateful.
Those are priceless.
Thank you for sharing.
We are hearing the same type of things. It’s so nice to know that we (all of us BS parents) made the right decision in letting them fly. Thank you for sharing!
It is amazing! The first week of school DD sent us a text thanking us for sending her to boarding school, that she loved her teachers and dorm life and she was thrilled to be learning again. Makes it all worthwhile.
@ProudLoomisDad … so happy DS is loving Loomis. My DD is in heaven. Can’t wait for parents weekend!