Things You Love About Brown

<p>Basically a compilation of gushing about Brown in preparation for decisions in like 29 days. XP</p>

<li><p>The Van Wickle Gates tradition.</p></li>
<li><p>The “program houses”</p></li>
<li><p>The fact that Brown’s students have the strongest sense of “personal style”</p></li>

<p>Any others?</p>

<li>Emma Watson is applying.</li>

<p>Actually I think that another thread proved she’s going to school in England or something.</p>

<p>I hope you are kidding-- that you are really not all that shallow. Those are nice, but hardly things to “Love about Brown…” If that’s all you think about, then you will be in for a big surprise when (if???) you get there. It’s a very intense place to be. As it should be.</p>

<li>Open Curriculum!</li>

Things that are absolutely amazing about Brown and that you enjoy gushing about until all hours of the night to your roommate.</p>

<p>Sound better?</p>

<p>Emma Watson got into Yale and Cambridge so far (I guess, I don’t really care and didn’t know who she was) but she hasn’t committed.</p>

<li>it is unlike NO other ivy league I know! The people are truly AMAZINGLY GIFTED = ]</li>

<li>you can have a conversation about controversial topics late into the night without being worried about sounding nerdy/geeky and without (most of the time) offending people because they value diverse opinions</li>

<li><p>the only people taking classes with you are people who CHOSE to be there. as a result, everyone is passionate about the subject-matter and ready to engage in great conversation</p></li>
<li><p>midnight organ concert on halloween in sayles hall</p></li>
<li><p>josiah carberry</p></li>
<li><p>the random mausoleum near keeney quad, with a random sword collection inside it, and random classical paintings</p></li>
<li><p>a capella arch sings</p></li>
<li><p>19th century mansions converted into department buildings</p></li>
<li><p>creative energy</p></li>

<li>The liberal atmosphere? </li>

<p>I totally agree with 8.
It’s what makes Brown rather fantastic for me.
29 days!</p>

<p>I was doing my SATs and Emma Watson was there doing them too…
But seriously, who would pick Brown over Cambridge
Even though Brown would be better and way more fun</p>