Thinking of changing careers to medicine but am not sure if some "transcript" stuff will hold me back

I was hoping I could be an MD but I guess not lmao. It annoys me because how am I a re-inventor? I got ONE B- in Orgo 1. I did not withdraw from any specific classes and my grades overall were good. I didn’t get any C’s, D’s or F’s. I was an A and B student at a really competitive school.

I’ve literally gone to therapy over this premed stuff and I have had other mental illnesses because of it. It means a lot to me. But I guess I’ll never be a doctor so I should get back to my job search, right?

Okay also, to give even more context, ALL of my P/NP’s were from Spring 2020 - Spring 2021, AKA during COVID! I am willing to take Orgo 2 again to replace the P.

I got A’s and A-'s in the rest of my major classes too so I’m clearly competent at my major. I’m a good student who had a lot of ■■■■ happen to them during college, like COVID and changing careers. I’ve matured and I’ve learned how to study effectively, but I guess no medical schools care, right? Well, their loss. I would have done everything to be the best family doctor or other specialties I had in mind. I had a great job till I was laid off and every single day, medicine was the only thing I had on my mind.

The reason I took those classes P/NP was because I was extremely depressed over my B’s in pre-reqs. I felt I wasn’t smart enough to be a doctor and that I should pursue another career where I could earn money right away because my parents aren’t rich. So that’s what I did, and in many other careers, they don’t care much about grades. Even then, I was still good at my major and earned all A/A-'s.

I really think I need more than biweekly therapy sessions at this rate now lmao.

I consider myself a good kid. I’ve never screwed up in my life before - no DUI’s, haven’t ever drank alcohol, don’t party, don’t do sketchy ■■■■, never done anything “bad” in the eyes of the law or most parents.

I was an A and B student at a competitive college and I did the best I could considering my major and career choice but NOPE. No one cares. Even if I went from a 3.56 science GPA to a 3.83.

Based on your posts you are still not in a great place with your mental health. It seems easier for you to not try than to actually try and be rejected.

It is your choice whether to continue your path of working in healthcare.

@twogirls asked a very good question. Not sure why you angry reacted, but I suppose we should interpret that as "no’? If you really have a passion for healthcare and patient care, these would be possible pathways for you to a fulfilling career doing just that. But you seem to reject them outright. That leaves me unclear of what it is you’re really want out of your career. Is it top MD program or “corporate slave”? Very rigid thinking, imo. And that may not be the best way to see the possibilities available to you.


Closing thread. The OP is no longer active and has already received plenty of guidance under their many usernames

Some of the past threads started by this user under other aliases: