This is the official FILIPINO thread!!!

<p>What's up fellow pinoys and pinays. I know you guys are out there! I want to hear from you!</p>

<p>Post anything you like about the Philippines, the schools, and college admissions regarding international Filipinos.</p>

<p>Philippines is cool! :)</p>

<p>About myself, I've lived in a (very) rural part of Pampanga for half my life. I am currently studying in the US in hopes of getting into a decent college.</p>

<p>I know several people who attend International School Manila (arguably the best prep school in the Philippines). I tried to transfer a couple of years ago, but got rejected! They wouldn't let me in because they didn't want ISM to be treated as a "boarding school." (I was supposed to live with my relatives in Manila, while my parents were in the States.)</p>

<p>So what's your story? What school do you want go to? What do you think of the current Macapagal-Arroyo administration?</p>

<p>Talk about anything!</p>


<p>Are you Filipino?</p>

<p>(Just wondering, all races are welcome in this thread!)</p>

<p>Nope I am an Indian :)</p>

<p>Why don't you join the Class of 2012 thread?</p>


<p>First of all: I'm Class of 2013 :)</p>

<p>Second of all: If Indians, Nepalese, and Singaporeans have their own thread, so should Filipinos!</p>

<p>Pinoy Pride right here! Pinoys, assemble! :D</p>

<p><em>empty silence</em> <em>cricket</em> <em>cricket</em></p>

<p>Come on fellow Filipinos reply!!!! Don't be shy...even if your reply is stupid. Well maybe not too stupid. If you know what I mean. ;)</p>

<p>Oh wow, a fellow Filipino. :)</p>

<p>friedrice: I know several people who attend International School Manila (arguably the best prep school in the Philippines). I tried to transfer a couple of years ago, but got rejected! They wouldn't let me in because they didn't want ISM to be treated as a "boarding school." (I was supposed to live with my relatives in Manila, while my parents were in the States.)</p>

<p>I'm applying to boarding schools in the US right now. BSM is also a good prep school in the Philippines. A few of my classmates (well, past classmates) transferred there. </p>

<p>I'm sorry if I am kinda butting in...I'm bored. LOL. :)</p>

<p>I know one Filipino..Vavalooey...:)..</p>

<p>Man I'm not a filipino,but my english teacher is.</p>

<p>If all filipinos are so cool like him,I'd love to visit you country.</p>

I'd love to visit your country.


<p>Good for you!. The Philippines is usually frown upon when it comes to tourism because people say its considered "dangerous". Some of its beaches are ranked top in the world. Visiting the Philippines is perfectly safe as long as you avoid the southern half of the country such as Cebu and Palawan (terrorist there aren't favorable towards foreigners :().</p>

<p>I lookingo foward to visiting your country,but I ran out of cash xD.</p>

<p>"Visiting the Philippines is perfectly safe as long as you avoid the southern half of the country such as Cebu and Palawan (terrorist there aren't favorable towards foreigners )."</p>

<p>My teacher told me that.</p>

<p>oh haaaiiiii everyone! haha finally. someone got the party started. am i the only class of 2012 here?</p>

<p>i AM from the southern part of the country (davao, to be more specific) and it's pretty safe over there. helps to have a mayor who doesn't take nonsense from anyone. </p>

<p>ajay: indians are the coolest (next to filipinos of course. haha just kidding!), i swear. india is on my list of must-visit countries.</p>

<p>I'm half-Filipino. Woot woot.</p>

<p>Filipino here! Class of 2012!</p>

<p>Question for those of you studying in the States: How did/will you pay for tuition? $40k for tuition is almost 2 million pesos. Did you guys get any scholarships or aid?</p>


<p>Welcome fellow Pinoy!</p>

<p>Getting scholarships or aid for an international Filipino student is especially hard. This is true for every international applicant. The easiest way to save money is to be either very smart or very poor (even better, be both!). Merit aid is most likely given at "mid-tier" schools and most publics, never at the elites. Chances are if you are accepted to elite colleges such as Harvard or an equivilent, your tuition (plus room and board) are waived or drastically reduced. For example, Harvard removes the tuition if your families income is less than US$60,000. A typical Filipino family earns much less than that.</p>

<p>Note that your $40k figure is based on private schools. Most public colleges are only $20k.</p>

<p>If you have more questions post them in the financial aid section.</p>

<p>I dont understand why does everyone need a new thread? Why cant you guys join us in the Class of 2012 thread??</p>

<p>1) so that other filipinos who aren't from class of 2012 can join in.. i mean i know it's not like you HAVE to be class of 2012.. it's just.. i guess you don't feel like you're butting in or interrupting something?
2) to find out if there are other filipinos lurking around cc! :D
3) there's singaporean, indian, nepalese, et al threads.. might as well start our own heh. but of course that doesn't mean the thread is exclusive and we're totally isolating ourselves from the rest.</p>

<p>ajay.. hakuna matata! no worries! i'm pretty sure most of us are gonna post in the 2012 thread anyway :) </p>

<p>@friedrice: </p>

The easiest way to save money is to be either very smart or very poor (even better, be both!).


<p>but won't being very poor almost guarantee us a rejection from most places? i mean, say you're a good student.. competent stats, but truly nothing mindblowing (e.g. no genuine hook, so to speak), but awfully low EFC. non-need blind colleges would be less inclined to take you in, right, and even if they do, you can't really say they'll meet your full demonstrated need?</p>

<p>and yeah that's kind of like my situation now. lol.</p>

<p>are you a us citizen now, btw?</p>

<p>What I really like about this thread is..
HAKUNA MATATA!!!!....:D:p..</p>

<p>This is a Filipino thread you say WALA ALALA! I forbid anyone posting other than English or Tagalog. :p</p>