<p>This may sound really self explanatory... but what exactly do architects do.</p>
<p>I took a few classes while in high school, and am about to go to college. I loved designing floorplans and customizing each room with autocad and many other cool designs, but I was wondering if any proffesional architects could describe what they do.</p>
<p>I know for a fact that no one person does the exact same thing but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into.</p>
<p>For example, do you go into a firm and work from 8am to 5pm drawing floorplans, electrical plans, etc...</p>
<p>Or do you draw a few plans, sell them, and then come up with more ideas...</p>
<p>I think it depends on the type of work you get into. Commercial architects spend hours on drawings, and looking up codes, etc. Residential is less intense. The pressure to have something absolutely perfect is much greater when you are designing a school, or an office building, etc.</p>
<p>One architect i talked to was designing a school for autistic students. He had to get the natural lighting JUST right, so that the light wasn't distracting to the students. apparently they get really freaked out by excessive light or something and are unable to focus.</p>
<p>let's not forget restoration people - that's not so much planning - a LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT...can i emphasize "a LOT" of research? looking up codes, putting them into the computer. there's a lot to that, too. if you like the old stuff and history - that's for you i guess.</p>
<p>but otherwise, jack's got the rest down generally.</p>
<p>A few of the architects I've spoken with say the spend half their time with phone or e-mail dealing with clients, potential clients, contractors, suppliers, inspectors etc. Then there is time spent answering questions, directing and motivating employees. One guy laughed and said he should have majored in communications and personel management. </p>
<p>excuse me, what do u mean by the CAD monkeys do all the drawing?
i, a student of arch in China,also use autoCAD to do my drawing. but i don't know what are CAD monkeys.
English is a foreign language to me... sorry.</p>
<p>CAD is a computer drawing/planning program and by calling the people that use it 'monkeys' he just means there are people who do all of the technical drawings for the architects.</p>