<p>Yeah, mine is 260+ then my SAT according to SAT-ACT</a> Conversion chart</p>
<p>Please look at my ACT when chancing. Thanks so much :).</p>
<p>Yeah, mine is 260+ then my SAT according to SAT-ACT</a> Conversion chart</p>
<p>Please look at my ACT when chancing. Thanks so much :).</p>
<p>Wow yopur ACT is quite solid, you just have to bring up your GPA and obtain more leadership positions and you should be in good shape! Id say i have to agree with your matches, but brown is more of a low reach as long as you bring up your gpa! I would say NYU would be a good match as well.
Can you recommend me some good safety schools and possibly some matches? I havent done alot of research on safety schools =/ . Thanks!</p>
<p>^ No problem, I'll PM you some.</p>
<p>Leadership positions are REALLY hard to get at my school because we have >6,000 kids. I was the head of my Girl's Basketball League before I had to move and couldn't travel back and forth anymore and I am the head of our Animal Right's Club. Also, I had 3 assistant crew head positions on last year's play and I should have 3 crew head positions this year :).</p>
<p>Your community service is extraordinary!! However, I would suggest taking the SAT again, and AP tests itself do not count as much as the other parts of the application. Brown and Amherst are crapshoots, but i believe you match up well with the other schools. If you have a strong start to your senior year, then I believe good things will happen. Good luck.</p>
<p>^ Thanks, I'm only using my ACT though lol :).</p>
<p>I replied to a thread of yours a long time ago, but again, I really admire your community service and I think that you have a good chance everywhere, but it's really impossible to predict. Best of luck!</p>
<p>^ Lmao. That's how I feel right now! </p>
<p>Anyways, thank you. Yes this is about the 4th chances thread I've posted but it will probably be my last. I think I finally got my colleges narrowed down.</p>
<p>Haha yeah, same here; I just posted my third and final one today. I feel dumb for being so addicted to people's opinions of my admissions chances, but it's so interesting! (:</p>
<p>You are reaching too high with Amherst and Brown (and maybe even with Reed).</p>
<p>You are reaching too low with Michigan State and Kalamazoo (although I do like MSU's programs in your major).</p>
<p>Echo049 gave the best advice on here:</p>
<p>Apply to Michigan--and also to quatitative schools such as:
Carnegie Mellon (better than Pomona for you--since Pomona's GPA + test score requirements are too crazy)
Claremont-McKenna (agree--good choice)
Wisconsin, and possibly
John Hopkins (a slight reach, but your math and science focus makes you a possibility for this school--and you applying here will make Carnegie Mellon consider you more seriously, too)</p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>P.S. Reed is not going to give you much money, nor will Claremont McKenna or Wisconsin. So of those listed, focus on the others for money--and remember that because Michigan is in-state it will probably be the cheapest. So make your essays for Michigan (and maybe Carnegie Mellon) your best ones.</p>
<p>^She has said she didn't really like UMich.</p>
<p>Calcruzer, just out of curiosity, where did you get the idea that I was into a math/science focus?? I want to go into history / anthropology and law. I was just curious. Thanks for the suggestions though :).</p>
<p>I gotta say, I know the pain your going through. I really admire your hard work and determination. As a person from Oregon, I know what type of kids go to Reed. Your a great student for Reed. If you put your time and effort into their app. I would say your in. You don't realize how much first generation college, part spanish is going to help you. If your not interested in UMich, don't apply. What's going to happen is that your going to not put too much effort into their app. and waste time on it as well. Make sure you apply to schools you'll be happy with. I would make Mich. State a safety. Why not considering schools like Illinois, or Wisconsin?</p>
<p>Reed. - Low Reach
Amherst. - Reach
Brown. - Reach
Oberlin. - Reach</p>
<p>^ Well, to be honest, I have been looking at Wisconsin for their anthropology program. What would Illinois have that I would like? Just out of curiosity :).</p>
<p>And will do chances.</p>
<p>Oops I neglected your great ACT on my post lol, that should help you a lot in boosting your admissions.</p>
<p>^ Haha, it's ok. Just about everybody did. Thanks though :).</p>
<p>Final bump. </p>
<p>I'd like to add ** College of William and Mary ** and ** Beloit ** to my list. Thanks :).</p>
<p>I got into both UChicago and Kalamazoo with rather modest scores, so you should be able to get into pretty much any school of your choosing. I, like you, didn't really care for Michigan either. (What's the big deal about it anyway?!?) </p>
<p>I firmly believe it's all about a wonderful, original essay in these admission processes.</p>
<p>Thanks. I just didn't like the overall feel of UMich when I went there. I am giving it another shot this fall though :).</p>
<p>Sorry for missing that you were more interested in history. (I did see the antropology interest, though).</p>
<p>Based upon this, a school like Penn State might be a good choice--they have a good history program. So does Indiana Univ at Bloomington.</p>
<p>Oh, and:</p>
<p>William and Mary--Slight Reach
<p>I really admire how you pulled through your circumstances :) Also, the motivation between your service projects is great, too, and by incorporating all of that into your application, I think you'll be great. Brown might be a bit of a reach, but you never know.</p>