<p>I'm already doing bad enough this school year. The trimester ends on November 24th, so all of my grades will be at or similar to what the are now. (D, D, A, B-, A-, C). I'm totally freaking out.</p>
<p>To make matters worse:</p>
<p>I'm in the musical, and this week is tech week. This means that we have hardcore rehearsal EVERY day all week from 2:15 PM to 10:30 PM. Then I have 4-5 hours of homework after that, giving me a mere 3 hours of sleep.</p>
<p>Do you think some of my teachers would give me some extensions? This stress is just driving me crazy, and I have no idea what to do.</p>
<p>YEAH it's plain wrong. Let me tell you, there is NO down time to do homework. If we are not on stage, we are expected to be on the mezzanine practicing blocks, choreography, and lines.
Not doing homework.</p>
<p>But our shows always kick ass =]</p>
<p>haha i cant wait until my gpa drops from a 3.0 to 2.7 after this trimester. All my precious dreams will be shattered. ='[</p>
<p>I don't feel much sympathy. You chose to do the play, and that's the decision you made.
Either get your priorities straight, or, if they are already straight, what's the problem?</p>
<p>Don't you have a study hall? [I only saw 6 grades up there, = 6 classes, two free periods] As much as it may hurt your social life, as soon as you finish eating your lunch go to the library and do homework, then do more in study, to cut off at least one hour of homework.</p>
<p>Hey, it could be worse. You could be teching the show (techies always have to stay later).</p>
<p>Our tech week is next week, and I'm kind of dreading it, too. In my experience, teachers don't give extensions for tech, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Sometimes teachers are actually, well, human.</p>
<p>Anyway, I typically talk to my teachers and explain to them that I'm at rehearsals for hours on end and can't really do my homework until after that... That is if I don't pass out. Their usually understanding and give me lee-ways the whole week because they understand how grueling balancing a schedule can be.</p>
<p>There's a huge difference between being too lazy to get your work done and have 8 hours of rehearsal a day. Now, your teachers may look at you as a "D" student and not be terribly sympathetic, but I'm sure you'll get extensions on some things. And water is your friend, even more so than coffee, (as is sleep, whenever naps are available).</p>
<p>Tech week sucks. Although, actors have it easier because they leave early and they can do their homework in between scenes or when they're not on stage. Us techies have the displeasure of staying even after rehearsals and can't do homework in between scenes. </p>
<p>Anyways... talk to your teachers. They are reasonable and don't want you to kill yourself.</p>
<p>...hell week sucks, but you should prioritize your stuff. don't just let everything be a bad job handed in late...</p>
<p>figure out what can be done in other classes/in homeroom, anytime really quickly-and get that done. If you can't possibly do something in 1-2 hours, then I would ask the teacher for an extension. Tell them that you want to do the best job possible and you care about your grades. Tell them you have made a commitment to the play and don't want to let down everyone and this is the only solution you can foresee at this very point. Apologize if it's a long project you SHOULD have started already.</p>