<p>So I am Hispanic. I am thus subject to constant references to Horoscope from my family. All the time. About everything. Examples:</p>
<p>Me: "Jim and I don't get along very well, we're having problems finishing the group project"
Mom: "Oh it's because he is a Virgo! You know how those Virgos are"</p>
<p>Me: So then I took a nap..."
Grandma: "Ah! You Leos are always taking naps! It's in you! You are a lion!"</p>
<p>And so on and so forth. </p>
<p>And of course it's total rubbish, but today it hit me how very similar it is to the Chinese situation. </p>
<p>Now all of my experience with Chinese customs comes from "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan. In the book, the older Chinese women (who were actually born in China) are constantly saying stuff like: "You have too much water. You flow from one thing to the next." Or "You have too much wood. Too stiff to bend. Too stubborn to listen." And so on and so forth. </p>
<p>And I just realized huh. Horoscopes are annoying across cultures. But seriously, the amount of faith people put in them is beyond ridiculous. </p>