<p>I recently posted my SAT scores, asking about Wes standards; but, I figured I might as well list the other parts that will make up my application, so any advice-givers could see a more holistic picture. Once again, your time and comments are greatly appreciated =] </p>
<p>GPA - 98.7 Weighted, not sure unweighted, though all grades are As/A-'s
H.S. Junior
SAT I - CR 670, Math 700, Writing 780
SAT II - Math I 740, Bio 690, World History 690, (will take lit/US history) </p>
<p>Female/Caucasian/Middle Class
Attend private all-girls school in Bronx, NY600 students
Ranked in top 1-5%, wont know until Sept 07 </p>
**Entered HS w/ credits based on accelerated middle school program. This would, under normal circumstances, be beneficialhoweverdue to the strict scheduling and general small size of my school, I was occasionally forced to take non-honors courses, though they were with the grade subsequent to my own. I have taken/registered for all A.P classes offered by school (other than Spanish, due to Latin track) and highest level of language.</p>
<p>9th: Honors English II, Honors Global I, Geometry Honors, Latin I, Biology, Communications, Freshman Computing, Religion I, Phys.EdI</p>
<p>10th: Honors English II, Honors Global II, Algebra II, Latin II, Chemistry Honors, Art Portfolio, Religion II, Phys.EdII</p>
<p>11th: Honors English III, AP U.S.History, Pre-Calculus, Latin III, Physics, Web Design, Religion III, Phys.EdIII</p>
<p>12th (will take): A.P Literature, Govt/Econ, A.P Calculus, A.P Biology, Web Design II, Religion IV, Phys.EdIV </p>
Student Council- Freshman VP, Sophomore Exec. Board President, Junior Exec. Board President, just elected Big Four StuCo Secretary, headed various committees/instituted Co-Curricular Management Program/part of Global Outreach Committee </p>
<p>Asian Club- Member (9), Secretary (10), President (11)</p>
<p>Newspaper- Reporter (9), Soph.Editor (10), Features Editor (11-12)</p>
<p>Book Club- Member (9), President (10-12) </p>
<p>Political Round Table- Member (9-10), VP (11), Pres. (12) </p>
<p>Senior Run Team (Visit Senior Citizens)- (9-12)</p>
<p>Student Recruitment Team/Peer Mentor (9-12)</p>
<p>Guidance Center Intern (10), Campus Ministry Intern (11)
Teams/Competitions: Math League (MVP Award-10), Science Olympiad, Moodys Math Challenge, ExploraVision Competition, etc. </p>
<p>Math Tutor- (9-12)</p>
<p>Cashier @ local produce market (May 05 present) 15/hrs week</p>
<p>Volunteer @ Community School for children w/ special needs</p>
Summer internship 2005 w/ Local Congressman (mostly worked w/ center for immigration and visas)
Summer internship 2006 w/ Senator (worked on campaign for re-election) </p>
<p>Honors List since 9th grade, received Congressional Women in History Award, Gold Medals in a variety of subjects for highest average (including subjects taken in advanced grade level), won/participated in various essay contests, Kodak Leadership Award, among others that I dont think are pertinent to a chances thread =] </p>
<p>Possible National Merit Scholarship semi finalist - will know for sure in Fall of 2007</p>
<p>Major: Some combination of Political Science/Statistics or Quantitative Reasoningmaybe major/minor, or double major </p>
<p>P.S: How does my chances look for ED? The only thing holding me back from applying this way is financial considerations...</p>