Thoughts on chances for Villanova, Northeastern, Fairfield, UNH and UMass Amherst Nursing?

Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a lovely day! I’m a senior in high school and was wondering, based on the information provided, if you could chance me as a nursing major at the schools that haven’t gotten back to me yet? So far, I’ve gotten into Binghamton, Delaware ($11,000 per year merit scholarship) and Quinnipiac ($25,000 per year merit scholarship), all for nursing. If you don’t mind, please chance me for the five schools I’m still waiting on:

  1. Villanova
  2. Northeastern
  3. Fairfield
  4. University of New Hampshire
  5. UMass Amherst

-GPA: 97.78

  • 32 ACT
  • All AP and honors classes in senior year
  • Published two articles in Newsday
    -Part-time job year round and a full time one as a camp counselor in the summer
    -President of the HOSA chapter in my school, a nationally regarded organization for students wanting to pursue medical careers in the future
    -President of Prom Committee


As of 5 years ago, Villanova’s admissions stats were skewed by the business program. It was much harder to get into the business program than other parts of the university as an entering freshman. That means that it may be one of the few colleges where it is easier to get into the nursing program than the average admission stats would infer. At that time, Villanova also was weak on financial aid. It had the highest net cost by far of the colleges where my son was accepted. It may have improved since then.

Congrats. You have a nice set of quals. U. Del. was the one college where my daughter was only accepted as a bio major, but not for nursing.

Good luck! I would think you would be a strong candidate for all based on your stats. My daughter is a sophmore and will be looking at many of the same schools. Can you share your acceptances and merit money for the others as well when you receive them? Thanks!