Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

Good. I’m glad I’m making perspective clear. That’s my intention. As for the rest, I didn’t quote you or put words in your mouth, but the message is unmistakable.

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Many of the things you believe are facts aren’t really facts.


Reminder that this thread is in the cafe and not in the political forum. Please refrain from making political commentary and debating. Thank you.


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oops I didn’t mean to reply to @momofboiler1. Sorry about that.

I gotta say this is legit hilarious. Looks like Elon got what he wanted - more views. All it took was gathering a team of 80 devs and threatening to fire them unless his tweets got more views. Well that plus 44B dollars to buy the company.

If you’re suddenly getting a lot more Elon in your feed, this is why. And can we take a moment to reflect on how sad it is to spend 44B dollars to buy more social media views?


So, basically, this man bought Twitter, just to that we would be able to force people to look at him. He paid $44 billion dollars to buy it, because he needed the attention.

I guess that was because he couldn’t run for President…


And just like that, Tesla headquarters are moving back to California :joy:

The brains are moving to CA, the butt will remain in TX…

(Just like our Boeing… I don’t even remember where the corporate HQ moved to… the engineers are and the giant assembly plants are still here).


Not even close. The Tesla R&D “brains” never left, corporate overhead did. (And they aint’ coming back.)

Of course what does that mean for Twitter?

You are correct. That stuff never left Palo Alto.

Musk now laying off even his hardcore fanbois. I think the folks who were let go in the first round were probably the lucky ones as it was earlier in the general tech job downturn and they likely had a better environment for job hunting.

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That’s a good thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There’s a really good comment that I’ll quote in a minute, but for context, it’s in the comments from this video, which is fairly interesting on its own (warning: language). General idea: Musk is a garbage meme edgelord:

Anyway, the comment there:

what strikes me the most is the absolute inability for Musk to experience satisfaction, to be satiated. He’s a hungry ghost. He was up in the middle of the night haunted by the absolute deprivation of only 9 million impressions on his worthless superbowl tweet. He’s so taken in by the Skinner box of twitter that he bought it and is making the box-maintainers specifically give him higher numbers. But the whole point is that no matter what number the machine gives him he will feel dissatisfied with it because that feeling is precisely what makes the machine work.

This is the endgame of whale-baiting, right? You make software that’s hostile to brains in the hopes a few rich people get poisoned by it and become willing to exchange money for higher numbers. In twitter’s case, they got eaten by the whale. They get slack notifications at 2am if the whale isn’t getting enough numbers. In a way, the app created its owner. That’s a little [******] up to me, more so than the standard AI domination tropes, that a system without agency ends up in control.

Also, in response to Zoe Schiffer’s reporting that “Elon Musk just announced Twitter will be making significant performance-based stock and compensation awards for remaining employees”, this was a solid comment: “Twitter can’t pay its bills. The banks that funded the acquisition can’t syndicate the debt. Revenue plummeted and shows no signs of improving. There aren’t even any plans to improve revenue. Stock awards are worthless.” Their jobs page is literally just an email address.

He’s managed Twitter so poorly that their revenue is down between 40% and 80% YOY, and (per both the video above and his own stream on Twitter) he’s spending his time … posting unfunny memes.

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Honestly I don’t think he cares about restricting harmful content, if anything he seems to be encouraging it.


The author has violated rules, herself, by creating fake accounts. No ethics.

She should pay the $10/month for the blue verification check mark on those fake accounts to make them official fake accounts.


Five passive (no posts or followers)accounts set up to collect information seem to me to less of a concern than the the child sexual exploitation, targeted harassment, tr0lling, foreign influence, and misinformation campaigns. But if you are worried about it, drop Qlon a DM, he’d probably be glad to ban her.


No, thanks. That place was a toxic cesspool long before Elon took over, and if a young, ambitious journalist wants to delude herself, sometimes it is best to sit back and laugh.